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  1. F

    Star Wars Sept 21st release

    Aha! George Luca$ wins- again.
  2. F

    Jeremiah News

    Re: Jeremiah not Dead, Possible 3rd Season I hate Jeremiah. It's a depressing show. Glad they cancelled it. *runs away*
  3. F

    Top Ten moments in sci-fi...

    The one in which Picard lives an entire lifetime in an alien planet. It's considered the best ep of TNG... in my opinion it 's pretty boring.
  4. F

    Top Ten moments in sci-fi...

    Favourite moments: Star Wars: A tie between "I killed them all" and "I am a Jedi, like my father before me!" Babylon 5: "Jump Now!" Buffy: "I may be dead, but i'm still pretty" Angel: When he tries to kill Wes, that's a good moment.
  5. F

    Star Wars Sept 21st release

    That's part of it. The other part: For example LOTR: Not seen in theaters, this unique version of the epic adventure features over 40 minutes of new and extended scenes integrated into the film by the director. DVD set consists of four discs with hours of original content including multiple...
  6. F

    Star Wars Sept 21st release

    As i said, DVDs are not only about movies anymore. Anyone who thinks so is stupid.
  7. F

    Star Wars Sept 21st release

    Re: Hear the voice of Hamill It would suck. I can already see them finding a excuse every episode not to use their lightsabers to save money.
  8. F

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    Creepy. Looks like dracula.
  9. F

    Movies Set - UK

    Someone should bomb Warner UK.
  10. F

    Star Wars Sept 21st release

    wha wha wha. you are all jealous because he has that ranch full of toys. and because he has that beard. you all know you want a beard.
  11. F

    Alias - Season 3

    Am i the only one who think it's stupid that the spy is in college? How does the girl find the time to work for SD6, CIA, have a social life and study for tests???
  12. F

    Alias - Season 3

    I'm watching the first season... so far not impressed.
  13. F

    Crusade DVDs announced

    probably airing order. as b5
  14. F

    Ruined even further

    leave Ted Turner alone... he makes the most kick ass civil war films. Can't wait for the last full measure to come out. :D
  15. F

    Crusade DVDs announced

    I'm one of those people. And i don't even have a widescreen tv. Star Wars Fullscreen DVD editions. WTF????
  16. F

    Ruined even further

    Oh, yeah, i forgot about that. Stupid women. He's moving on after the new trilogy, or so he has said.
  17. F

    Ruined even further

    Yeah, i know... even though Anakin has good reasons to be an arrogant asshole (he wouldn't fall to the darkside if he wasn't fed crap from Palpatine now and then) it's hard to believe. I don't think she ever took the stalking seriously, at the beginning she always saw him as a harmless "kid from...
  18. F

    Ruined even further

    Yeah... that was kinda cool. Funny that it was actually only a few centimetres long. Movie trivia, eh? :)
  19. F

    Ruined even further

    I dunno... the OT is overrated. Remember the first 30 minutes of ANH are all about cute droids (3P0 whining like an asshole), desert, and jawas. That's pretty lame if you ask me. Give me a underwater city, a droid-army invasion, Jedi and CGI characters anytime. The dialogue isn't all that great...