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  1. F

    Cold Mountain

    I just arrived home from the theatre, and i gotta say... watch this movie. quicktime link
  2. F

    SeaQuest DSV

    I had no idea :( poor boy.
  3. F

    SeaQuest DSV

    It was the show of my childhood, and what got me hooked to science fiction. I feel nostalgia for the very John-Williamish main theme. I don't remember which studio produced it, but anyone would like to guess what are the chances for this cancelled show to ever come out on DVD? I think they...
  4. F

    WB cancels Angel

    Pardon my ignorance, but what is the current season of Angel (fourth, fifth, etc.)?
  5. F

    Remarks on Passing through Gethsemene

    You just don't (or, in America, shouldn't) decide who deserves life and who doesn't, it's too relative of an opinion to risk it. I agree that some people deserve to die, though, but what if i'm wrong? and who decides how many people you have to kill before you deserve death? As for immediate...
  6. F

    Big B5 update from jms!!!

    He could do that? In detail?
  7. F

    Big B5 update from jms!!!

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ............ wow.
  8. F

    B5:IFH Cover ready for print

    in a couple of days, check out the website :) Yay!
  9. F

    Family Guy saved? Finally?

    OMG you just made my day. :)
  10. F

    Matrix Revolutions

    Bought tickets for Wednesday, reserving seemed like a cool idea yesterday when i went to watch another movie. I'm thinking about giving them away, though.
  11. F

    Star Wars: Episode VII?

    you shitting me, right? :p :) pretty cool, i just needed to turn off that aweful sound from the movie and open duel of fates. Nothing will ever top the Star Wars Kid, though.
  12. F

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoon

    Yep, i'll be watching them too. I just hope the voices aren't too different from the real actors. But they should be fun shorts.
  13. F

    Original Star Wars trilogy on DVD next year?

    I'm surprised anyone believed this in the first place :) George has said time and again that the OT will come after Episode III is on DVD.
  14. F

    Run Lola Run

    Shit! That was her? I knew she looked familiar. And i watched the Bourne Identity yesterday, what a coincidence lol quite a kick-ass movie.
  15. F

    Run Lola Run

    I watched it some time ago, pretty cool movie :)
  16. F

    Favourite Babylon 5 episode and why?

    mmm... it's a hard question :) Right now i'd say Coming of Shadows, because it kicks ass and i've watched s2 recently.
  17. F

    Season 4 DVDs for R1 in January?

    Yes! :cool: :cool: :lol:
  18. F

    season 4 releasedate and coverart

    I can't help but feel the last few covers have been WAY too crowded with characters. :(
  19. F

    Best DVD Release in September is TOMORROW!

    Agreed, FG is a show that makes fun of stupid people- and there are few things more stupid than racism. Quagmire: Hey Peter! Guess What! Last night i had sex with a black chick! (a black couple passes by) Peter: Hush Hush, I'll call you later! *turns off the phone* Black woman ("what are you...
  20. F

    Best DVD Release in September is TOMORROW!

    Interview With Seth IGN DVD: Feature films? MacFarlane: Feature films, one animated and one not. I'm getting ready to pitch a new animated series to Fox, which will be kinda nice, I'm sorta anxious to get back into that medium. And Family Guy is still kickin' around out there, it's looking...