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Search results

  1. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    It's Neroon with glowing teep eyes from Lyta... I darkened the face. I do think Grey Worm will go after Jon... which will be the end of Grey Worm.
  2. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    Well this has turned into a long wait... the book better be good.
  3. Demonn

    SyFy sucks

    Great job with losing more viewers SyFy... The Expanse could have carried your stupid f*€king channel but your busy making cinematic wonders like Sharknado.
  4. Demonn

    Avengers: Endgame

    I was lied to... I asked if a certain person died. The guy I asked lied... I remember being mostly bored with the movie... Then, since I game, I really enjoyed a Fat Thor threatening the kid on Fortnight... made my year. I figured I'd been lied to when the movie picked up at the end... wasn't a...
  5. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    All I'm gonna say is... Arya... on a pale horse. Dany go sleepy if she be bad, bad.
  6. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Yeah... looks like all the good stuff was saved for the last 2 eps & we'll have another looooong wait after they cliffhang us... again. Just give Jon his Dragon, and kill Littlefinger already. Littlefinger should have been killed by episode 5 at the latest, how he survives the whole season is...
  7. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Things are gonna heat up tonight... I hope...
  8. Demonn

    EpDis: And The Rock Cried Out No Hiding Place

    Out of nowhere I got this urge to watch Refa die again... broke out my DVDs, worth it, great episode.
  9. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    I think Ep 1 started great and ended well, I just wanted more from it... so I was disappointed.
  10. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Well... I enjoyed ep 2 more than 1, it's starting to pick up. They make you wait however long and then I was disappointed with ep 1.
  11. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Last 2 seasons... ;)
  12. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    So I'm pumped for G oT... I just bought a house, got a 55" TV, Cable, & free HBO for 3 months. I feel like a snail somebody threw on a calendar... I'm slowly going for Sunday.
  13. Demonn

    RIP Stephen Furst :(

    I noticed him in Sorority Boys (2002) & I rember thinking... " he looks older then I thought he was." Vir was a younger character and it was just odd seeing the guy a couple years later looking way older. I walked by a TV with the NASCAR race on Sunday... the announcer mentioned this and I...
  14. Demonn

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    Have the last of the Dilgar (Deathwalker & friends) join the Shadows. Introduce G'Kar as a pirate/smuggler. The Narn Regime supplied us with Centauri weapons yes, but go two further and have G'Kar selling/supplying us weapons on his own. Make him a popular Resistance fighter among the Narn who...
  15. Demonn

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    Mix it up a bit. Bruce Boxleitner as Dukhat (edit) or Lenonn... Mira Furlan as the female Earth Alliance President.
  16. Demonn

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    If B5 would ever get a big budget movie I would want a younger cast (not too young though)... then there's a higher probability of a sequel or some other form of continuation. Bester could be portrayed by someone of any age because he's just a teep/psi cop, no job experience required, he was...
  17. Demonn

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    I think Zachary Quinto would also make a lovely Bester... Sylar 2.0. :D
  18. Demonn

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    It was also on Netflix a while back... then they took it off. :(
  19. Demonn

    SyFy sucks

    SyFy... YOU still SUCK!
  20. Demonn


    I had no idea what this was until they put it on Netflix... it was ok. I watched up until they got back to Earth and then moved on to watching something else.