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Search results

  1. Demonn

    The Walking Dead

    So... I've stopped watching right around when we meet Jesus and they go to the Hill Top. New Season started off with Neegan killing people. Should I continue to watch?
  2. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    We are now waiting on Book #16, Peace Talks... for those of you not reading the series you have plenty of time to catch up. READ THE BOOKS... please. :D
  3. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    I'm hoping a Dragon drops on the palace, then roasts, and eats Queen Cersei while she's sitting on the Iron Throne... and yes, the D in "Dragon" should ALWAYS be capitalized. We must not upset or offend them.
  4. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    She can watch scenes on Youtube... for FREE. It just gets confusing because you don't know what order anything is in. I'm a pirate GoT watcher... aarrr.
  5. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    I just want to see an official reversed House Stark banner for Jon somewhere... then I can wait patiently to watch.
  6. Demonn

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    So... however long ago this was I bought the 1st 3 books and after book 1 proceeded to only read Jon Snow chapters. I had planned on going back and rereading everything when somebody told me what happened with Jon at the end of the last book... so, I stopped reading, and did not bother getting...
  7. Demonn

    How Would You Show Both Versions Of The Gathering?

    I agree with this... I've only ever watched the edited version and never thought to look for the original, it's something that can be shown after the hook is firmly placed. It's also important to explain that it was the pilot and some things change. I've only ever lent my DVDs to 1 person and I...
  8. Demonn

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    Though it take a thousand years... I think B5 will eventually be redone/renewed or given a movie, and whether that does or does not happen I shall remain to check in every now and then until the lights are turned off... or are replaced, and new paint is added to the walls. I have enjoyed the...
  9. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    I would think there should be a three... it comes between two and four. :p I've never even looked at any of the graphic novels though so I don't know.
  10. Demonn

    Red Rising

    This book already got a movie deal and nobody here has read it...
  11. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    I started watching Haven on Instant but then gave up on it at the end of whatever season the cops were gonna hook up but then the chick got kidnapped or went missing.
  12. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    So I started watching Dominion on SyFy (first time I've watched anything on there in a LONG time)... watch they'll cancel it.
  13. Demonn

    Attention forum Moderator!

    Tell him to just try to log in with his name... it'll take him to a page with a link that will send him an email.
  14. Demonn

    Attention forum Moderator!

    Or just have someone email his password to him & if he really wants to change his name he can have a mod do that too... then he keeps his account & he gets the name he wants. No need to create an extra account on B5tv.
  15. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    I don't know, I saw a preview for it while I was trying to watch something on YouTube and my first thought was... "I don't know who that actor is." I've never seen the guy in anything so I wasn't as interested as I probably should have been. I might check it out though. I think they just did a...
  16. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    They started putting Sample Chapters up for Skin Game... almost there.
  17. Demonn

    The Original Battlestar Galactica

    So NEW NEW Battlestar... I'll watch it no matter what they do with it.
  18. Demonn

    The Original Battlestar Galactica

    They're doin' a new Battlestar movie... related to the older show not the newer one.
  19. Demonn

    Red Rising

  20. Demonn

    The Hobbit (& its sequel)

    They should retitle the second movie...