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Search results

  1. Demonn

    Private DVD Covers

    I commented and got the feeling it didn't matter what I had to say anyway...
  2. Demonn

    Orson Welles

    Well no wonder it's on Netlix... everything on there has like a 2 or 3 out of 5 stars rating. I still might watch it though, I'm always looking for something to watch on Instant and it bugs me that it's all crap.
  3. Demonn

    Orson Welles

    Most of his stuff was before my time... though I've heard of Citizen Kane, never watched it but I've heard of it, & Orson Welles as well. :p I think he narrated History of the World: Part I which I've seen. I love Mel Brooks & I've seen most of his stuff. Catch-22 is on Netflix & I was...
  4. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    They don't come off... ;)
  5. Demonn

    Private DVD Covers

    I'd put Sinclair & Garibaldi on it... & Garibaldi had hair back then too! I don't remember the doctor so I'd say no there... maybe Takashima though. Maybe her in a "command pose" with Vorlon ships about. For some reason I feel like that may have been the cover to my original copy of the...
  6. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    I just didn't notice it. :p To me... the White Council is the ruling body. The Grey isn't anything official and it's just what they call themselves. It never clicked in my head. If there ever comes a point in the books where 9 of them are standing around a light fixture I'll definitely say...
  7. Demonn

    Band of Brothers

    I just noticed the bridge the other day. :p
  8. Demonn

    Band of Brothers

    They named a bridge in Hummelstown after him... it's a crap bridge though.
  9. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    Never thought about it like that... :p
  10. Demonn

    Red Rising

    So I figured I'd mention this book because I thought it was a pretty good friggin read. What surprised me most was that I had just grabbed it at the book store and didn't think it'd be all that great, just something to read. I don't know how many times I've reread the thing since then... If...
  11. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    It might be... you never know, Harry might end up releasing some of them to fight the Nickleheads... or somebody else. I'm looking 4ward to whatever JB has in mind.
  12. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    Pretty sure kindle has the same release date... I know I'd kill someone if I was waiting on the book & somebody was like, "oh yeah, I have that already on Kindle." But then I would also have my own Kindle after that. :p I have the older paperbacks up until 10 or so & then all the newer hard...
  13. Demonn

    Anybody seen "Gravity?"

    Nope... gonna stick with stupid. Stuck in space... falling to earth... nothing to grab. "We're gonna die!!!" I got a hold of something... It's gonna snap..... ahhhhhhh!!! *snap* *continue to fall* Sandra: "George Clooney I love you!" George: "Hold me..." *They continue to fall...* Then 2...
  14. Demonn

    Anybody seen "Gravity?"

    Sorry... that movie looks so stupid to me.
  15. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    I liked the jeep too... plus it was American so it fit.
  16. Demonn

    so whats this then?

    It WAS like a B5ish type space station I think... & if I remember correctly I don't think it was textured.
  17. Demonn

    The Dresden Files

    I think it was that bird man episode & the mom wasn't Pat Tallman, but she was a redhead. I remember Claudia Black but not Pat Tallman being in the show...
  18. Demonn

    so whats this then?

    Probably just a modeler having fun..
  19. Demonn

    JMS speaks out on Michael O'Hare

    I always wondered why I didn't see him in other stuff...
  20. Demonn

    Crusade - $9.96 at Wal-Mart

    SOLD... I still need Crusade on DVD, been waiting for it to come down in price for a while.... then I forgot I was waiting. :p