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Search results

  1. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Poll: Best B5 Character Death Scene

    i didn`t think it was great at all . All it was was him being injected and him saying "I was to be a god you understand" and then he popped his clogs so to speak . However Refa`s death was a death that ruled !!! attacked by narns in a plot by mollari . You have it all there -...
  2. DaRkEnEdStAr

    a sinking feeling

    just went on the t3 website (terminator 3) and i am getting a feeling that it is gonna blow , wich is the same feeling i had when hearing about mib2 , I just hope this time my instinct is wrong ...
  3. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Poll: Best B5 Character Death Scene

    how can ppl think that cartagia had the best death scene ? I am voting for refa !! a classic death scene
  4. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Garak belongs in b5

    wich one ?
  5. DaRkEnEdStAr

    a question for you

    It wasn`t only that , U must remember that Metropolis contained a lot of original ideas wich probably had never been attempted before . I see it as the birth of Sci-Fi along side Asimov etc ...
  6. DaRkEnEdStAr

    a question for you

    It is my view that you can not be a sci fi fan if you haven`t seen that film or know of it`s existence ... I am not saying that the poster isn`t a sci fi fan
  7. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Which actor/actress did the best job of..

    never heard of it but thats a funny coiincidence init ?
  8. DaRkEnEdStAr

    The Great Link

    I love the original star trek and sci-fi from that era , they called them B-movies .... I laugh even now about the slightest change in temperature could be seen as a prelude to an invasion
  9. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Garak belongs in b5

    at the moment i dont think there will be another star trek film . The way that Enterprise is doing it might not last it`s course . And if they did one on ds9 what would it be about ??
  10. DaRkEnEdStAr

    a question for you

    i wonder wether you are serious or you are in jest .
  11. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Which actor/actress did the best job of..

    It is difficult to seperate acting ability and the actual character . For me there is two kind of actors , Character Actors and "Real Actors" i think you get Character actors in soaps , Sci-Fi etc . Would Micheal O ` Hare be any good in a Film [not sci-fi] ? Or Bruce Boxleitner in...
  12. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Gary Cole in 1hr Photo

    he was best in midnight caller
  13. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Garak belongs in b5

    Although strictly a star terk character , It does have some relevance to b5 , So i think this is right . Who here believes that Garak (Andrew Robinson) belongs to babylon 5 ???What i mean is His character is more a jms character init ? especially in the episode "In the pale moonlight"...
  14. DaRkEnEdStAr

    a question for you

    i was in a public house last night (yes i was in a pub last night ! ) and there was a quiz wich i took a part of . One of the question was who wrote the Film Metropolis ? and i could not remember ... Who did write it ?
  15. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Star Trek TOS Returns

    i thought you meant a new series !
  16. DaRkEnEdStAr

    no more odyssey 5???

    many thanks for the info
  17. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Okay... premieships available! But limited numbers

    Re: Okay... premieships available! But limited num Have you made your decisions yet ? if you have included me in it i will send you the postal order on saturday .... am i included or not ?
  18. DaRkEnEdStAr

    The One: First Ones or Not?

    was it ? i thought it was anpther council .. a coincil of the rangers
  19. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Maybe Scifi's got the word

    Re: Maybe Scifi\'s got the word i should suggest that in my country ... We could Have Tony Blair day !!!
  20. DaRkEnEdStAr

    no more odyssey 5???

    it goes into that all too familiar family of 1st season cancellations ...