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  1. DaRkEnEdStAr

    doctor who on sci fi

    this is the classic Bad Wolf scenario..."
  2. DaRkEnEdStAr

    doctor who on sci fi

    Since that you Americans will get to see the new (or the last series) of Doctor Who 2005 , i just wonder how you will react to it`s humour , camp/risque content !! :)
  3. DaRkEnEdStAr


    :mad: no forever knight on region 2 :mad:
  4. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Online Doctor Who Episode

    I watched him in the BBC`s Cassanova wich coincidentally was another of RTD`s projects , It was a bit erm ... Risque so to speak ! ;) he was good in it :)
  5. DaRkEnEdStAr


    Re: Missing Dr Who? I have seen the whole season 1 . and i could understand why infact american networks havent picked it up- if that is the case , doctor who , specifically this series is very "suggestive" and quite a few homosexual inferences and jokes appear wich i...
  6. DaRkEnEdStAr

    goodnight sweetheart

    they only stopped making it in 1999 !
  7. DaRkEnEdStAr

    goodnight sweetheart

    anybody ever watched this bbc uk series ? i have just purchased the season 1 dvd the other dvd`s are due to be released every 3 months ...
  8. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Dr Who 2006

    warning !! possible spoilers ahead ------------------------------------------ just watched badwolf . full scale invasion by the daleks of the game station . what does it all mean ? it is claer that the daleks arent bad wolf but something brought...
  9. DaRkEnEdStAr


    Re: BADWOLF there is a lot of chatter refering to this subject , wich in turn provides a lot of theories ranging from the ridicolous to the logical .
  10. DaRkEnEdStAr


    Re: BADWOLF if we get to find out at all .... they may be cnuts and leave it to the christmas special ...
  11. DaRkEnEdStAr


    Re: BADWOLF yep it is called badwolf
  12. DaRkEnEdStAr


    BADWOLF for ppl who havent seen the series yet SPOILER WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- In every episode so far there have been references to "Badwolf"...
  13. DaRkEnEdStAr


    Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS yes i liked it , but didnt "love" it
  14. DaRkEnEdStAr


    Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS tonights episode was the long game are we at cross purposes ?
  15. DaRkEnEdStAr

    goodnight sweetheart

    i belive this series is now available from time life :D
  16. DaRkEnEdStAr


    Re: dr.who + new doctor confirmed !!! well the second scottish doctor arrives ...
  17. DaRkEnEdStAr


    just caught the pilot on sky it seems pretty good ..
  18. DaRkEnEdStAr

    WHV (UK) have done something right ... at last

    isn`t the word "GEE" an american slang word ??
  19. DaRkEnEdStAr


    the new series is imho very good . While there may be some bad points to it , the good ones outweigh the bad . You allways take the rough with the smooth anyway ..
  20. DaRkEnEdStAr


    i doubt that it intent was racist hyp , i watched that episode and i dont recall that , but did he refer to him as a domestic or could he have said "dont have a domestic" wich can mean in the UK an argument between boyfriend and girlfriend