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  1. DaRkEnEdStAr


    did you put your clocks back an hour before you should have ? remember Dr.Who isnt a gay irish guy !!!!
  2. DaRkEnEdStAr


    just caught the 1st episode of doctor who ! it was good :)
  3. DaRkEnEdStAr

    trilogy (literature)

    actually i was not joking ... Why did you believe i was joking ? . i am happy now :) i have been informed of the titles ... and i have read them all . Brilliant books from what i remember .
  4. DaRkEnEdStAr

    trilogy (literature)

    In High school (uk) we read a trilogy of books and i am trying to recall the name of the books .... can anyone help me ? all i can remember from the books is that there was a character called Merriman , It was set in cornwall , there was two children in it (dont know the names) The boy...
  5. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Little Prophecies and Throwback Dialogue

    I cant think of the top off my head directly , but i remember some nice little tie-up from previous episodes , season 4 garibaldi is taken from his room and asked questions in a room with a telepath and he makes a quote "Everybody Lies" Now in one of the first season epiosdes...
  6. DaRkEnEdStAr

    The new Dr Who....

    I`m sorry im not well up on American slang , But i get the feeling you think it will fail ... Christopher Ecclestone is a decent actor i have seen him in quite a few series , Billie piper despite her horendous pop career , seems an ok actor . The producer is quite famous Phil redmond...
  7. DaRkEnEdStAr

    The new Dr Who....

    christopher ecclestone was also in a classic series aswell , CRACKER
  8. DaRkEnEdStAr

    The new Dr Who....

    they are gold maybe ?
  9. DaRkEnEdStAr

    The new Dr Who....

    you should see a pic of the new look daleks !!! web page
  10. DaRkEnEdStAr

    When will it end!?!

    billy connoly once said this about reality tv "people sat at home watching people sat at home"
  11. DaRkEnEdStAr


    what does ppg stand for ? i allways thought it was personal protection gun , but someone told me it stood for phased plasma gun who is right ?
  12. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Have any of you Brits Staked out Elstree Studios?

    Wrong side of the country for me
  13. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Sleeping in the light - Did you cry?

    I was emotionally affected :D I didn`t cry but , it was a strong memorable moment . i think of course why a lot of us did cry was because it just didn`t signal the end of sheridan , it ended a tv show we love . and it was just so final (maybe)
  14. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Deconstruction of Falling Stars - DVD question

    This may just be me , but in the early season 2 title sequences , The voice over seems different .in the later eps , it seems more in tune with the situations .
  15. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Old Ellen Episode

    abc1 ???????? never heard of it . (i live in the uk btw) do you need the now defunct itv digitalbox to view it ?
  16. DaRkEnEdStAr

    B5 commercials?

    they are o th dvds i think
  17. DaRkEnEdStAr

    The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Please

    Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl don`t you mean Wabitt season :lol: :lol:
  18. DaRkEnEdStAr

    "Today we lost Richard Biggs"

    Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\" I am in total shock .... I came on to the site originally , to check to see if there was any news on b5:tmos and i just stared at the front page as it read that He had passed away ... I really wasn`t prepared for that . 43 is such a young age to go ...
  19. DaRkEnEdStAr

    JMS live in New Jersey

    This "Project" has to be about the telepath war then ...
  20. DaRkEnEdStAr

    King Arthur

    I think it is a fascinating subject to discuss , In Manchester (where I live) there is a place called Alderley Edge , And legend is that Arthur Pendragon was buried there .... :eek: . On a side subject , Didn`t the great Peter O`Toole play King Arthur ?