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  1. DaRkEnEdStAr

    JMS - Non-update update

    Re: Game legality are you a celtic fan or rangers fan ? or are you a hearts or hibs fan ? who do you support ?
  2. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Is a feature film likely right now?

    Excuse me for being a bit dense here , But what do you mean by a feature film ? do you mean either 1) tv movie e.g. river of souls , call to arms 2) star trek Nemesis with a big budget an all . would it premiere on tv ? like lotr ? or be released in cinemas or dvd ?
  3. DaRkEnEdStAr

    war without end

    Talking of cutting scenes I have heard that the episodes wwe and wwe pt2 had a few scenes cut out ... is there any truth to this rumour and if there is , will we ever get to see them ?
  4. DaRkEnEdStAr

    JMS - Non-update update

    Re: Game legality or how about the celtic breonic languages ?
  5. DaRkEnEdStAr

    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ I wonder how much of the bible was either re wrote or re worded to put a specific point of view . Since there are many versions of the bible i.e. king james bible (protestant) The Romans were Romans and i think it is easy to condemn them by our western...
  6. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Quantum Leap... pull the other one

    It is Goodnight Sweetheart btw , Not the same one i am thinking of ... This was on ITV and he was a real spy .. All i remember about the second one is that the girl was blonde , and about 18 . He was divorced i think ...
  7. DaRkEnEdStAr

    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ a lot of groups are calling this film ani-semitic , I do not know ..... :confused: . I have never read the Bible nor do i intend to .As far as my limited knowledge goes , is that the Jews betrayed Christ . And if this film is accurate :confused: to the...
  8. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Quantum Leap... pull the other one

    When i was a young child , i thought that a series only consisted of 8 or 9 episodes than i started seeing American series wich had more tha 8 episodes per season !... I remember Quantum Leap when it first aired on BBC 2 and i loved that show (Also hated it when it ended the series and i...
  9. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Vote for Babylon as best tv show of all time

    I live in the UK and i have heard that b5 is bigger in Europe than in America . Mybe it is because we are more patient :)
  10. DaRkEnEdStAr

    JMS - Non-update update

    i can imagine this post going way off topic ! :)
  11. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Iron Jawed Angels

    didn`t you do it in school ?
  12. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Red Dwarf the Movie

    I am suprised the Americans actually understand it ... apart from the humour , I live pretty close to Liverpool so I can understand scousers , I am suprised you get what craig charles is actually saying ... Or do you have subtitles :)
  13. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Familiar *ahem*, bedfellows?

    and she was in quantum leap
  14. DaRkEnEdStAr

    I am going to SG-7 in England Feb 6-8th 2004

    it isn`t next door to me ... about 5 hours away !!! otheer side of the damn country . Why cant they have any sci fi exhibitions in Manchester ?
  15. DaRkEnEdStAr

    vorlons attacking earth

    in the last days of the shadow war , The Vorlons started attacking any world with Shadow influence on it ... If it had gone on any longer , Would they have attacked Earth ?
  16. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Vorlons vs. Lorien

    who would win if they had a fight ? Lorien or Ulkesh ?
  17. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Latest From JMS

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I or we have waited for over a month for news and all we get are cryptic clues ... how do we know b5:TMoS is just working title ? Now if you excuse me , I am going to the shed to attempt to go insane :eek:
  18. DaRkEnEdStAr


    A 1,000 welcomes :)
  19. DaRkEnEdStAr

    GI Joe live action movie

    :o omg that sounded political :lol:
  20. DaRkEnEdStAr

    2 months and 3 days

    Damn ! 2 months and 3 days till s4 r2 comes out ... patience is a virtue , but i dont want to be virtous. I want the dvd`s :)