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  1. DaRkEnEdStAr


    Well , it seems the office did well at the Golden Globes ... web page At least they didn`t forget to include him in the nominations :lol: How could you forget that ? Mr.Bean must be working in the administration dept . :lol:
  2. DaRkEnEdStAr

    The Last Week of B5

    We have the dvd`s in widescreen .... who cares about some channel not showing them anymore ... And on my my sci-fi channel they have stopped playing them ... Bravo shows it and , They are in 4:3
  3. DaRkEnEdStAr

    What season one episdoes are essential?

    Too true ... :) I know its a struggle getting through season one , But act as though you are watching it on the telly .... then that might work :cool:
  4. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Messages from Earth

    Thats deep ... :cool:
  5. DaRkEnEdStAr

    New JMS short story -- FREE!

    i guess it is a technical error
  6. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Okay... something to admit...

    It doesn`t look like a movie people would usually cry to ... Was you peeling onions ? :lol:
  7. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Okay... something to admit...

    was it love actually ? if i was * Forced * to watch that movie .. I would cry .
  8. DaRkEnEdStAr

    50 Reasons Why LotR Sucks

    :lol: :lol: :lol: class , Simple class .. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Coming Attractions!

    Whenever i go to the cinema , I try to time it so i miss the commmercials , or at least arrive when they are finishing .. And i allways try to go when it is empty (the Pictures)
  10. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Well, if the Pope likes it...

    As i understand it : most operas are in Italian yes ? if you translated it , you could lose the essence of what it meant to the writer thus losing the effect of it . There could be some words that dont translate into English .
  11. DaRkEnEdStAr

    lotr rtok spoilers

    we also read "To kill a Mockingbird" , "Of Mice and Men" "I know why the caged bird sings" , "Lord of the flies" :) I absolutley loved To kill A Mockingbrid though ...
  12. DaRkEnEdStAr

    lotr rtok spoilers

    I dont think anyone in my class was interested or even knew what it was . Maybe my teacher was a tolkien fan ....
  13. DaRkEnEdStAr

    This was just fun

    I suppose he could put this down as a "diplomatic relations expense" :lol: :lol:
  14. DaRkEnEdStAr

    JMS kitten rescue update/competition

    i think a lot of ppl will be cautious about writing something maybe because it could be held up to scrutiny and they may not want to look like a complete !@@#$*%$# :D
  15. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Gideon back again

    whereever i see Jack killian is see the sheriff in American Gothic :)
  16. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Babylon 5 "I've Found Her" is ready for download

    Re: Babylon 5 \"I\'ve Found Her\" is ready for download I have just downloaded the game . It is very complicated . A word of warning : you have to read the instructions carefully ! I am gonna have to print out the keyboard guide aswell ... I was impressed by the graphics though , i didn`t...
  17. DaRkEnEdStAr

    lotr rtok spoilers

    I remember reading it at primary school ... Every friday for months ...
  18. DaRkEnEdStAr

    lotr rtok spoilers

    i find that quite amusing .... didn`t everyone read the book at school ? or at least some abridged version ?
  19. DaRkEnEdStAr

    Well, if the Pope likes it...

    From what it said on the cnn site , Jewish and catholic groups said it was 'Historicaly Inaccurate' well what do they expect ? it is Hollywood after all :lol: