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  1. B

    B5 CCG

    Do you know any B5 players near Portland Oregon? ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make him NOT so tall! WE CAN NAME HIM SHANNON BILLY BOB OR JILL!-Swan 'Cannibal:The Musical'
  2. B

    B5 CCG

    I play it by myself. I have a lot of cards, but I think Mapadoo is the master in that area. ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make him NOT so tall! WE CAN NAME HIM SHANNON BILLY BOB OR JILL!-Swan 'Cannibal:The Musical'
  3. B

    Whispers in the Night is on hiatus

    Wait, what did I miss? I want to crush the pea thrower! Rarrrrr! ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make him NOT so tall! WE CAN NAME HIM SHANNON BILLY BOB OR JILL!-Swan 'Cannibal:The Musical'
  4. B

    How The Vorlon Stole Christmas

    *Claps* BRAVO! *Claps more* HURRAH! We showed 'em good! ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make him NOT so tall! WE CAN NAME HIM SHANNON BILLY BOB OR JILL!-Swan 'Cannibal:The Musical'
  5. B

    Babylon 5 at School

    I got beaten up....I'll never re-take my lunch money.... ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make him NOT so tall! WE CAN NAME HIM SHANNON BILLY BOB OR JILL!-Swan 'Cannibal:The Musical'
  6. B

    A task - now for other genre shows

    Scott Bakula on Enterprise: "I'm as dainty as a school girl, teehee" Oops, this is the WOULDN'T say thread, my mistake. ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make him NOT so tall! WE CAN NAME HIM SHANNON BILLY BOB OR JILL!-Swan...
  7. B

    A task - now for other genre shows

    Oops I forgot: 790: Oooh, a pool party! ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make him NOT so tall! WE CAN NAME HIM SHANNON BILLY BOB OR JILL!-Swan 'Cannibal:The Musical'
  8. B

    A task - now for other genre shows

    Kai: *Rips off his clothes* Give me some sugar baby, I'm ready for hot LOVIN! Xev: No I don't feel like it. *Stanley walks by* Ooohh, hunka hunka Stan (The Man): Psshhh go away, I'm gay and in love with a robot head. Lexx: Screw you all, I'm not doing anything. Oooh! The Official: Kiss me...
  9. B

    Strange Tales of B5: Londo Mollari, P.I. ~ Part 1

    You have CAPURTERD the caracters very well. *Throws a cage over Mollari* HAH! Gotcha! *Throws some food in for him* I'll name you wiggles. Wiggles is a cute name. Very nice, potential, much potential. ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or...
  10. B

    I need to say it...

    I don't think I've said it directly, but I love B5 and anyone who has been a part of a JMS thing. I love JMS. I think we should all send JMS a bunch of thank-you cards to show our appreciation. *Happy Dance* Let us all rejoyce! La La Lala la lalala LA! ------------------ Let's build a...
  11. B

    More 3D/2D art

    *Displays his awesome Vorlon Ambassadorness to this thread* Good. We are impressed. ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make him NOT so tall! WE CAN NAME HIM SHANNON BILLY BOB OR JILL!-Swan 'Cannibal:The Musical'
  12. B

    Babylon 5 RPG

    I wanna be Galen! I need that e-mail! ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make him NOT so tall! WE CAN NAME HIM SHANNON BILLY BOB OR JILL!
  13. B

    Just Received My B5LR Postcard

    I got mine for free! Infact I got two! AHAha! Na Na Na-Na NA! I sat for a while at the sci-fi booth, I won a light up pen and a t-shirt at their raffle. ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make him NOT so tall! WE CAN NAME...
  14. B

    Freespace 2 MOD?

    I REALLY want to beta test it! Aww yeah flying a starfury or a nial through an exploding warship as it breaks apart...oooh baby, and flying a battle crab? too good to be true! *Salivates* ------------------ Let's build a snowman! He'll be our best friend! We can make him tall, or we can make...
  15. B

    LOTR cast comes here: COOL!

    Vorlons? Ohhh, YEAH! *Pelvic thrusts* Whooahhh! We have some mad men here ourselves, but I doubt they could come up with such interesting quotes. Darn, I have to get back into my pelvic-groove. ------------------ I now HAVE a quote....Al is a great guy.
  16. B

    LOTR cast comes here: COOL!

    ooh, I missed this? I'm slipping. Dean Quote: It wasn't a large scene but I think he spit on me.... That's called acting of the most profound manner. Great actors are known and tracked down by mists of spit. I expect to see you spit young man! This is nifty, you us, the story...Hrmmm. You...
  17. B


    But the ship could have ducked out of combat to repair...I mean, there's place to hide for a bit, and it didn't seem too strong of a battle. ------------------ I wish I had a quote....
  18. B

    Series commitment looks to be imminent

    *Pelvic Thrusts* HOO-AHHH! Hrmm, I'll have some honey. Pssst, the REAL Friday prime should be I-Man, Farscape, then Lexx (on earth!). Wow, I hope Sci-FI's insticts kick in and sign the deal NOW!!!!!! ------------------ I wish I had a quote....
  19. B

    So *how* does Max translate languages?

    Hrmm. I actually like Max after he went to Babylon 5. Probably the most entertaining episode, wait, MAYBE. He looks at the sentance structure, and breaks it down. He shifts out common markers, and others of the sorts. (No Dr. GOnzo, not Crayons) After that he takes the situation, and...
  20. B

    An open letter to JMS re: the unproduced scripts

    I would buy 50 copies of any books he published just to make amens. ------------------ I wish I had a quote....