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  1. M

    EpDis: Chrysalis

    Welcome and thanks for the quote from the script books! The assassination of JFK of course was (and still is) international recognizable, but was already about 30 years old when B5 came out. But it was so huge, that in my country in my generation only 2 US presidents where known: the one in...
  2. M

    EpDis: Chrysalis

    yeah! While reading about Johnson I saw the picture JMS was talking about. And as Santiago was a good president who wanted to to improve the relations to aliens, I saw parallels to JFKs mission to end "war itself". That's why I searched for more references, as I assumed that this was a political...
  3. M

    EpDis: Chrysalis

    ah! That makes sense8 Thanks guys!
  4. M

    Any fans of The Expanse in here? (Books or TV Show)

    Seems like I should give it a second chance. I started it, but my GF is not a fan of "pewpew in space" and so we stopped watching it...
  5. M

    EpDis: Chrysalis

    I finally finished my recaps (well... the gathering is still missing, but I think I'll only take some snippets from it, to show Lyta and her interaction with Kosh and maybe GKar and Lyta. remember, my primary goal is not to make a "proper" recap, but a short reference to all the major plotpoints...
  6. M

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    Yes, it's really infuriating! No wonder people turn to VPNs and Piracy: Here we are, willing to pay for a certain content, only to be told "I'm sorry, we only can take your money if you're in the right area of the world." The CW Homepage does not even load at all here, it just tells me, that...
  7. M


    Ok then I'll wait with discussions of the film. I didn't research the release date, I just kind of figured, that if we in Europe are able to watch it, surely everyone will... I'm a rather neat-picky viewer and I always have things to complain about, even with Dune. But I have to say they are...
  8. M


    how come you didn't got to see it, and I'm about to watch it a third time on Thursday? Aren't we in Europe supposed to being late to all things coming from the US?
  9. M


    I know, JMS totally steals the show here with his announcement, but I wanted to see if anyone has seen this "little" SciFi gem already, and if so: What are your thoughts? I don't know, how we should discuss this? Spoiler free? I mean the book is from the 60s. Is it even possible to spoil this?
  10. M

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    Just wild guessing here, but wouldn't it be awesome if this time an other race would get the centauri arc? So JMS would keep fans guessing as to what goes on in this timeline?
  11. M

    The future of B5TV

    I guess as long as the emojis stay the same, Looney will be fine ^^
  12. M

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    I'm afraid that won't happen. JMS stated, that he will refrain from using characters who's actors are no more. And given how the B5 curse did manifest itself in the end, there're not many left...
  13. M

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    I'm really excited about this! I think we can't loose here at all! If the new show is good: we win! If it bad: who cares? WB lost money, and we won't see any other B5 content being made for TV. Well, we got that for the last 25 years and it didn't lessen our love for B5, so what? If it is...
  14. M

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    your words in Valens ear ;)
  15. M

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    :/ so streaming from the get go won't be a thing in Europe I guess
  16. M

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    Can anyone explain to me what a CW is? As in "To answer all the questions, yes, it’s true, Babylon 5 is in active development as a series for the CW." - JMS
  17. M

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    It seems I was spot on with my timing of making a Season 1 recap now :D I'm sooo excited! ... ... ... My poor girlfriend ^^
  18. M

    EpDis: A Voice In The Wilderness Part 2

    so, after a hiatus and reading into the view order mess, I decided to continue with "a voice in the wilderness". I decided early on to make this into one big recap. And I have to say: I'm somewhat tempted to just use the recap at the start of part 2 and only elaborate on part 2. I mean: it's...
  19. M

    EpDis: Signs And Portents

    Well, my first post was a mathematical analysis of special die, that act kind of like Rock paper scissors to proof NorrinRadd wrong, and "broke Looney's brain" along the way, so I've been the assassin of joy at least in some sense :P
  20. M

    EpDis: Signs And Portents

    Wow you guys are fast :D Thanks for the hints!