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Search results

  1. G

    JMS-sponsored B5 auctions

    Re: Attempted fraud (Re: JMS-sponsored B5 auctions) On a happier note, It's a lot of fun to read the auction listing that JMS wrote. You can learn some fun tidbits about many things. Here's one: (Source: "Quality of Mercy" script book auction) :D
  2. G

    The Logical Choice

    What about DisneyPlanet? That would be a fun place to run the galaxy!
  3. G

    An obsession with Orange Juice

    But Garibaldi paid for fresh garlic. It's a two day ride to earth from B5, so it's feisable the garlic could be fresh (as well as the rest of his crate). But like ordering heavy packages to be personally delivered, there is always a surcharge. Referencing now the Zocalo, remember the flower...
  4. G

    An obsession with Orange Juice

    Hey I just watched "Geometry of Shadows" with the comentary by Bruce, Claudia, and Jerry. Bruce commented on Sheridan's obsession with oranges and orange juice. I thought a bit, and remember William Edgers from season 4, and his love of OJ too. Did JMS really like OJ or something? Are...
  5. G

    Question about the Earth Civil War

    Political power is based on three possible combination: 1) Military Might 2) Economic/Social Might 3) A combination of 1 and 2 Generally speaking military might doesn't last long. Economic/Social might is actually a stronger influence. Read the "Foundation" saga by Issac Asimov to get an...
  6. G

    Sanctity of Life - a b5 contradiction

    Don't cut yourself short too much. Sometimes the biggest ways we make a difference are the most subtle. Using a b5 example, take ep 3x14 "Rumors, Bargins, and Lies" Sheridan has Marcus take the whitestars out, "shoot a bunch of rocks" and come home. At first it appears that Sheridan's gone...
  7. G

    Desperate Housewives fans (or not) I need you

    getdesperate cited on scifiwire (www.scifi.com/scifiwire)
  8. G

    EpDis: Chrysalis

    Storkes taste like duck not chicken! :p but without getting too off topic... I also liked the JFK assassination parallels in the ep
  9. G

    EpDis: Chrysalis

    I enjoyed this episode considerably more after listening to JMS commentary. It was a storke of writing genuis to have the actors unaware of the direction that this episode would take. Ex 1) Mira Furlan constructed the crysalis apparatus throughout season 1, and had no idea what it would be...
  10. G

    Any Battle Scene

    "Between the Darknees and the light" (4x19) has Ivanova fighting clarke's new destroyers (with come pretty fancy manuvers "Sleeping in light" while not a battle, the final sequence of the station blowing up is quite a good sequence
  11. G

    Different characters saying the same thing...

    Makes one wonder though, what is the most common phrase in b5. I know "Some must be sacrificed if others are to be saved" is spoken numerous times...
  12. G

    Sanctity of Life - a b5 contradiction

    I was just thinking about 2x21 - "Comes the inquisitor" near the end Delenn says "This is my cause LIFE! One life or a billion..." yet...earlier in the season 2, Delenn fails to prevent the fall of Narn and the loss of millions on purpose. "Some must be sacrificed, if others are to be...
  13. G

    Green! Purple!

    Maybe we should show our support for a B5 movie by making "green drazi" and "purple drazi" wristbands Green! Purple! Green!
  14. G

    What's your favorite dvd set?

    Re: What\'s your favorite dvd set? Oh! Good Point! Forgot to ask everyone to specify which region. I live in the US, so it's the R1 set for the movies as my fav
  15. G

    What's your favorite dvd set?

    What\'s your favorite dvd set? been wanting to ask for a while with all the dvd sets out (LOTR excluded) - which set do you like the most? Not which season, but which set was the best done (i.e. video transfer, special features, etc...). My favorite is the movie set! The video is awsome,the...
  16. G

    Did ya get any b5 for christmas?

    I got the b5 movie collection! :D
  17. G

    Mira To Be On 'LOST'

    Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\' Can anyone get a pic of Mira as she appears on "Lost"
  18. G

    EpDis: Deathwalker

    I like the little notes on just how sadistic deathwalker was. "She infected the entire planet of Arkata 7(?) with Stafford's Plague just to see how long it would take them all to die"
  19. G

    why were ivonava and sinclair written out?

    In a sense Claudia wanted more money. I was very disappointed in CC. I am reminded too of Halle Berry refusing to do another role in X-men unless she had a larger part and more money.
  20. G

    Someone please explain to me why

    This idea is true throughout elements of human history. Two examples: (1) Oskar Schindler saving 1100 jews from nazi extermination even though he was a member of the Nazi party (2) Hutus who lost their lives protecting Tutsis from extermination in Rwanda