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  1. G

    EpDis: The Parliament Of Dreams

    I love this episode simply for the end - when the ambassadors are getting introduced to earth's dominate religion - they say "where's the chanting" "I don't hear any drums". I thought showing members of every single earth religion was great. It really showed that "humans build communities"...
  2. G

    EpDis: Born To The Purple

    True - but his eyes were very widely open.
  3. G

    EpDis: Born To The Purple

    Question on episode: During Londo's final kiss with Adira, why does he leave his eyes open when he kisses her. Did Peter Jurasik not like the Actress or something?
  4. G

    Sleeping in the light - Did you cry?

    "To absent friends - in memory still bright" - John Sheridan I think about this line every time a great actor passes away.
  5. G

    Laurel Takashima in "The Day After Tomorrow"

    Laurel Takashima in \"The Day After Tomorrow\" Probably old news but... I just saw The Day After Tomorrow on DVD (fun movie I might add). Spotted Tamyln Tomita (Laurel Takashima - B5: The Gathering) in a principal supporting role - and not a bad role at that.
  6. G

    Season 1 question

    Perhaps there is a joint sharing of powers between the President and the Senate. The senate may have been allowed limited jurisdiction in non-military matters.
  7. G

    Season 1 question

    A numerous points in Season 1, Sinclair consulted with Senator Hidoshi of the Senate B5 Oversight comittee. However, after Season 1, it seems this idea was completely done away with. Why?
  8. G

    Were Ivanova and Winters lovers?

    Episode 3x11 - "Ceremonies of Light and Dark" Ivanova: [To Delenn] "I think I loved Talia"
  9. G

    Anna Sheridan

    Wow talk about off topic! :) Anyway, once Lucas decided to do the prequels - it was left with the episode numbers, probably in anticipation of a box set of all six movies
  10. G


    Found these on the web: Zathras sayings audio: Infinite Time Zathras sayings audio: Beast of Burden Zathras sayings audio: Last line to Sinclair in Babylon Squared
  11. G


    In honor of the great character Tim Choate created I was wondering if we could list some zathras-isms. I'll start it out: "You are the beginning of the story...and the middle of the story...and the end of the story - that creates the next great story. In your heart you know what Zathras says...
  12. G

    Babylon 5 Season 1-5 DVD Easter Eggs!!!!

    Source: http://www.dvdreview.com/html/hidden_features.shtml Season 1: There’s an additional clip that can be found on Warner Home Video’s release of the first season of 'Babylon 5.' Insert disc 6 of the set and from the Main Menu select 'Special Features.' There, select the 'Universe of...
  13. G

    Babylon 5 pages at Scifi.com gone!!!!

    http://www.scifi.com/babylon5/ http://www.scifi.com/crusade/ :mad: :confused: :(
  14. G

    Jeremiah = Babylon5?

    Actually there are numerous word for word quotes in Jeremiah that were in B5. For example: "We have to create the future or others will do it for us" Said by - Markus - "Things Left Unsaid - Part 2" - Jeremiah Commander Ivanova - "Sleeping in Light" - B5
  15. G


    What is the complete list from sky one?
  16. G

    Harlan Ellison

    Ya'll are forgetting G'Kar's famous quote: "The universe is composed of three primary elements - matter, energy, and enlightened self-interest" More on Mr. Ellison - didn't he also play a few bit parts in the series. A senator role comes to mind
  17. G

    Anna Sheridan

    A couple of questions on Anna Sheridan? (1) Why was she recast from the orginal actress to Melissa Gilbert? (2) Why was the orignal actress left in, and not reedited with Melissa Gilbert (remember Gilbert did retape the "last message" of Anna Sheridan)?
  18. G

    Season 2 DVD release????

    When Season 2 set to finish up, is there a release date yet for DVDs of the second season?
  19. G

    "Matter of Honor" (S3E1) question

    \"Matter of Honor\" (S3E1) question When captain Sheridan is fleeing the shadows in the season three premire, he heads to the Markab Jumpgate to destroy it and the shadow vessel. When he proposes the idea to the crew he says "I don't like grave robbers". Didn't his wife work for IPX though...
  20. G

    San Diego Wastelands

    VERY good explanation. Some notes though: (1) I assume a low yield nuclear bomb due to the ease of smuggling it back and forth. Low-yield tends to be harder to detect. Does a MIRV count as low-yield? (2) I had forgotten that airbusts were associated with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A ground...