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Search results

  1. I

    B5LR stuff to be shown during Crusade Chain Reaction

    I haven't seen this posted here, so I thought I should post something. Sometime during the Crusade Chain Reaction on October 8th, starting at 7A.M EST on Scifi, there will be something on B5LR. I'm not sure what because the teaser didn't specify, but there's something. ------------------...
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    Any new Crusade news?

    Thank you for bringing that up, Doctor Gonzo. Also, with the Chain Reaction, there is going to be something to do with B5LR shown. *dances* It starts at 7A.M. Too bad I won't be around to see it. *sighs* But...I have class They're showing every ep, in order! ------------------...
  3. I

    Anyone know where to get b5 books?

    Well, you should try http://www.bookfinder.com . Excellent search engine to find what people have in their stores and what's online. I just did a search for used Babylon 5 stuff and I came back with A LOT, so you should have no problem. Also, might I suggest E-Bay or Half.com...
  4. I

    Have you seen this....

    Moved to Fandom, fun and fanfic. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
  5. I

    More 3D/2D art

    That's very excellent, Banner!! For you and everyone else who does B5 art, I have a site at: http://www.geocities.com/babylon5rpg/Technomages/ If you would like to show off your work there, I would REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE IT!! I'm still in need of art. ------------------ Ivanova is...
  6. I

    Looking for sites/essays on B5 and the Arthurian Legend

    I'm going to do a paper for one of my classes on the Arthurian Legend. I'm studing the writings of two different writers from three different countries (England, France and Germany) and do a compare/contrast essay between the stories. A part of my presentation of this paper is to study how...
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    Talia on CNN

    Joe, I heard about that. Conan O'Brien showed one of the pics and then said that another CNN reporter did a similar type of pic: Larry King. It was a highly amusing bit and I was happy to see that someone from B5 fame made it on something that's mainstream. I'm moving this to General...
  8. I

    Pat Tallman

    I'm moving this to general. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
  9. I

    Andrea Thompson & Claudia Christian Post-B5: Do Blondes Have More Fun?

    I think Claudia is quite happy about where she is; she seems to be in the interviews that I have seen and read. The roles she takes are unusual, interesting, and appear to be just plain fun. She does what she likes. What could be better than that? Thompson seems to be doing what she likes...
  10. I

    Should there be a "B5" in "B5LR"?

    Re: Should there be a \"B5\" in \"B5LR\"? I completely agree with WarpPig (welcome to the boards, btw! ). And I agree with Kosh III (a large welcome to you, too! ). B5LR (I -refuse- to even call it LoTR, and I have started correcting people who do so. *L* I heard that it is called LoTR on...
  11. I

    B5 figures

    I found this link while looking for B5 figures. They sell some of the figures at somewhat high (10.99) prices. They do, however, have a sale on Ivanvoa figures (6.00) and the Marcus figures are about 6.49. I bought both figures. Including shipping, I paid 19.70. I ordered them last week...
  12. I

    New B5 CD out!

    Quite cool!! I hope the Gospel piece is on it. That's an excellent song! ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
  13. I

    What do you mean that there were 18 episodes filmed?!?!

    I heard from someone (Derian, I think) that Peter Woodward also penned some scripts. They also were never released...*sighs* I hope Crusade is eventually brought back. Unlike another one-season show that comes to mind (anyone familiar with the HL spinoff Raven?), Crusade SHOULD have made it...
  14. I

    What do you mean that there were 18 episodes filmed?!?!

    I was looking through old issues of various Scifi mags today when I was cleaning and I came across the August 2000 issues of Scifi magazine. In the article "The Lost Crusade" (starting on page 62) the following is written: "While 18 episodes were filmed, it seems as though just 13 will be shown...
  15. I

    finished SUMMONING LIGHT yesterday...

    I liked the first one a tad more than the second I think. <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> For a few reasons, actually. Mainly, tons of people die in the second book, including one of the chars...
  16. I


    I've started a Technomage section on my Hall of the Technomages site (it sort of fits, don't it? ) http://www.geocities.com/babylon5rpg/Technomages/Technomages.html is the link to the page. It only has a list of all members of the Technomages in Casting Shadows, the seven rules of the Mages...
  17. I

    finished SUMMONING LIGHT yesterday...

    I'm wondering how Galen gets to where he is in the books to believing: "There is always hope. Only because its the one thing no one's figured out how to kill, yet." (thanks for the quote, Invalensname )I mean, a lot more stuff happens to him... (Spoiler from the Crusade ep with Alwyn...I...
  18. I

    Online book party for Jeanne Cavelos

    Welcome to the lists, Mike!! I'm glad to see that you have joined us!! And thank you for letting me have the first post in the transcription as well as leaving the part where I posted the pic to Jeanne. I wasn't sure if you were going to post the unmoderated comments as well. Thank you...
  19. I

    Technomage Books

    Derian, Tell me about it. *mutters* Maybe we'll get lucky and the book will come out early. *Laughs as she crosses her fingers* That's going to be really cool, though. October I'll be reading The Fiery Cross (the fifth book in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon...been waiting for this...
  20. I

    Technomage Books

    Jomar, I'm almost there...only thirty more pages to go. *L* I did this with To Dream in the City of Sorrows, too. Put the few ending pages off for later. Ohhh, and anybody whose interested, I'm starting a new part to my fanart page. I'm going to open a part that is dedicated to the...