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Search results

  1. I

    So, umm, just what happened to the contest?

    I did an Easter B5 fic one time. *L* It was me being MarySueish by putting something I had gone through, on Ivanova. Yeah...but it was silly and okay. Sheridan has Ivanova dress up as a pink bunny for the kids...not sure which kids, but that didn't matter anyway. *L*
  2. I

    The merits of Byron

    Re: Cutting Byron from season 5 I wonder...what things would have been had Claudia stayed on the show. Byron was supposed to be her love interest. :rolleyes: Right. Like she would take just any British guy.
  3. I

    Should BB have been Kevin Sorbo?

    Ugh...and Tribune likes to make Scifi shows. :( We need good Scifi again. Good Scifi. Anywhere!
  4. I

    Garibaldi and garlic

    Sounds like a Nitpick. *L* They just weren't paying attention to their props, I guess.
  5. I

    Sheridan and Oranges

    Ooh! Okay!! Thank you for clarifying that. I just always assumed Sheridan was from there. But of course, his father was a diplomat, so...*shrugs* *L*
  6. I

    Sheridan and Oranges

    Perhaps. But I'm thinking about to the ep in fourth season where Sheridan was supposed to rescue his father, but got captured instead. Wasn't he in Chicago to meet Garibaldi? Maybe that's just where his father settled down.
  7. I


    Well, I'm involved in a budding RP on http://www.ethereal-realms.org . Private room is "babylon5". There are quite a number of chars taken between four people, but if we get more people, we may be involved in dropping a couple of chars. So far, the chars taken are: Sheridan, Delenn, Ivanova...
  8. I

    Sheridan and Oranges

    I thought Sheridan was from Chicago.... Uggh. *sighs* I used to know these things! *L*
  9. I

    Any news?

    *laughs* But it has vampires and other beasties of the night, which makes it horror. *shrugs* I've always considered it fantasy. Buffy is just of a different grain than Highlander is, or Mutant X (which probably would be more Science Fiction), or hey, Charmed. All of it is related, even if...
  10. I

    Any news?

    Hm, you're right about the grittiness. *sighs* But sometimes you're happy with what you can get, and artist integrity be damned. I would fit it in a sort of Science Fiction/Fantasy genre, because it's set in the future, but...*shrugs* I think we need some new labels for shows that are outside...
  11. I

    Sheridan and Oranges

    Oops.. *L* I think I have seen that kind of blossom before, somewhere. *L*
  12. I

    Byron cut in DVD

    What a horrible joke!! :lol: But I like it. I would just have felt bad for Robin and Pat if it was really true. :( I was reading her afterword last night in Babylon File Vol. 2. It's pretty sad. :(
  13. I


    I love JMSisms. I don't really care if he reuses his own stuff, because I hardly notice. *L*
  14. I


    And Lupin talks! He talks!! *glees*
  15. I

    Any news?

    Andromeda just moved to Scifi, too. Interesting, Scifi said they wanted no more space shows, but whatever. :mad: And ditching Farscape for Andromeda was not good...unless BB had stayed on Andromeda. *L* That would have been cool to see, just weird...and Andromeda always reminds me of a...
  16. I

    Sheridan and Oranges

    I really liked his good nature. He was much more cheerful compared to Sinclair. And Sheridan seemed much more like "just a guy" compared to Sinclair, too. Sinclair had that "time he didn't remember" so there was something shadey going on. Gideon has the same thing, too, now that I think about...
  17. I

    Coming Soon?

    Heavy night, indeed. *chuckle*
  18. I

    Fanart pic!

    Yep yep yep yep!! That be me!! :) Me too!! I really love your Jeremiah site. Very nicely done. :-D
  19. I

    Fanart pic!

    I really LOVE making fanart (as some of you might remember a long while ago) well, I've made a piece of Jeremiah fanart. :) http://www.the-daily-prophet.org/~fangirljen/edits/Wallpaper/MSmith.jpg - It's "The Enigmatic Mister Smith." I hope you enjoy it! :-D
  20. I

    Looking for Fanfic

    I'm looking for any fanfic that crosses Babylon 5 and Crusade where the main coupling of the story is Stephen and Sarah. If anyone knows of a story or two or more, please let me know. I am grately appreciative of any help I can get! :-D