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Search results

  1. I

    Pirates of the Caribbean (spoilers)

    Addicted Much? *giggles* I've found a new fandom to add to my others!! :-D I've seen this movie four times and I must see it more. I also saw it on opening day. Johnny Depp blew me away. I am very in love with Jack Sparrow now. :-D Interesting fact, the role BELONGED to Depp. Sparrow would...
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    Melissa Gilbert

    Very good actress. Very intelligent as well. I'm happy that she's President of SAG. I'm glad that she's pres. now rather than earlier, when my ex-bf and I parked in front of her house. *LOL* That was our big Hollywood trip. Her house was the only one that we sought out that was listed in...
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    I can see how Delenn is her own inquisitor, or not the one who is directly asking the questions (though, she is questioning herself, of course), she is the one responsible for having the inquisition continue. She has the manacles and at any time she can remove them. OOH! But she is questioning...
  4. I

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    *giggles* Oooh, that's soo cool. I'll have to rewatch CoS to see Gandalf. Otay, OotP. I liked it. Felt more filler to me, though. I hope book six is better. I am happy with 5, don't get me wrong, just felt like it was building to the next one. There are some REALLY nice scenes sprinkled...
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    Dylan Neal on Sabrina

    That was such a trip!! I loved it! Dylan looked good, too...just sad that he was not given very good material. :( Sabrina, The Teenage Witch has degraded in the last couple of years. Seven years, though? Wooooow. So MJH has done two series, consecutively for...about eleven years? I don't...
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    Jerry Doyle for Governor in California!

    Even though it'll be expensive I WANT Gray out now! He's been VERY awful to the school system. Teachers are getting laid off, class sizes are increasing, tuition is increasing, programs are getting cut, it is all bad!!! :mad: :mad:
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    Ranger Ivanova lookalike

    Not a bad likeness. Facially, she does look alike. Though, there's no widow's peak.
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    Jeremiah in Babylon 5

    A 1970s comic in Europe? No wonder the comic book dealer who I was talking to didn't know "Jeremiah" was based off a comic book. Has anyone actually read or seen this comic book?
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    Of disappointments gone by....

    Oooh pretty pretty pictures. President Sheridan looking young again. And all those pretty purty ships. This just ain't right.
  10. I

    Finally revealed! Where JMS got the "B5" idea

    Re: Finally revealed! Where JMS got the \"B5\" idea Hey RW!! :-D I know!! School is over for the moment. *does a dance*
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    Finally revealed! Where JMS got the "B5" idea

    Re: Finally revealed! Where JMS got the \"B5\" idea Was there someone who stopped JMS before he was completely taken over by the vision like in Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"? *chuckles*
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    10 GREY COUNCIL lights

    I agree with RW. *L*
  13. I

    The Shadow Within

    I must re-read it. I don't remember much from it from when I read it last Summer. This so sucks.
  14. I

    JMS-Written Article for San Diego Comic Con

    I found this when I was checking for information about who was going to be at the Con. http://www.comic-con.org/pages/2002Spot-JMS.html Enjoy!
  15. I

    Saw the weirdest thing last night ...

    All I bought were the 120 set.... No subsets or anything.
  16. I

    Saw the weirdest thing last night ...

    *lmao* I'd buy it just to say that I once bought a B5 movie on PPV. Hehehe....on another note, I got my cards in the mail today!! They're sooo pretty!!
  17. I

    B5 DVD Box Artwork Up!!!

    Ohhhh, that is soooo pretty!!! I want I want I want!!!!
  18. I

    B5 Comic's

    Re: B5 Comic\'s Hit your local comic book store, of course, for one place. I found a few at the one that I go to. Also, if there are any comic-oriented conventions in the area, hit one of those. There will be many back-issues of all sorts of comics there, and even some rare stuff.
  19. I

    Complete Babylon 5 Trading Cards?

    *chuckles* okay...so I found a good buy on E-Bay. 120 cards for under ten dollars. I don't care much for getting a box (of course it would be nice), or the speciality cards. I can buy such things when I have more money and am preferably at a convention.
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    Babylon 5 / Sci-Fi Party

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> GShans said: and unlike some here, i never suggested my state as one of the places for one of these. I'm a poor college student (quite literally...and I know that it's cliched) and I couldn't get to a con that was out of...