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  1. I

    Complete Babylon 5 Trading Cards?

    Ughhh.... I wonder if Mile High has them. *taps her fingers together* I'm going to one of their stories sometime this summer. I don't exactly like to buy things off of E-Bay. Thank ye for the help!!
  2. I

    Rumour of a new series........

    Consider this thread closed...only to be reopened if substantial information is found (Ie, from the mouth of the Great Maker).
  3. I

    Annoyed with Galen

    One major thing that I loved about Babylon 5 (and all related stuff and the like) was how much JMS did with quoting from other things. I was watching Dune (the Scifi version) and I heard someone say "And so it begins," a quite familiar B5 tagline. Now I'm trying to figure out if it originated...
  4. I

    B4 prop for sale on eBay

    Poor thing...didn't even meet its reserve price.
  5. I

    A thought from a drunken man

    Ohh, I thought SW4 marvelous...but what I was viewing was the redone version that was done a couple years ago. It didn't look as "dinosaurish" as it could have. Who knows, though, in 16 years, B5 may just look outlandish, at least with the CGI.
  6. I

    Babylon 5 / Sci-Fi Party

    I think that there should be another con done at the Pomona Fairgrounds, in Cali....but that's only because I live -really- close. *chuckles* I think that this would be pretty successful. The HL Fan Odyssey (it's been a yearly thing since 1999, I believe...started a year after the HL...
  7. I

    Complete Babylon 5 Trading Cards?

    Just on E-Bay? They aren't selling anymore at stores? Actually...where did you buy yours? I tried my comic book store but they weren't selling them.
  8. I

    Complete Babylon 5 Trading Cards?

    I read this a while ago, but I thought that I was spazing. I just did a search and found them again. According to The Babylon 5 Shop there was the Complete Babylon 5 Cards that were supposed to come out in March 2002. Were these ever released?
  9. I

    i just realized something

    It is also the name of the fourth Highlander movie. Not knowing anything about chess, I never realized where the word came from before. That's cool!
  10. I

    Babylon 5 on Drew Carey Question

    I know that this was mentioned in another board about a B5 reference on Drew Carey, and that was correct because I saw the ep tonight! I remember hearing about the ep, but I never actually saw the beginning, and that's where the B5 stuff is. Lewis is dressed up as G'Kar (very striking too...
  11. I

    What a post this is !!!!!!! submit you`re own ...

    Even though this is a thread that is dedicated to B5, I'm moving it to general because fanart does not fall under the show discussion.
  12. I

    Non-Change in B5 Schedule

    I would be SOOOO much happier if it was moved back to 7. If it was back at 7, I wouldn't be missing it three days a week, just two. As it is, I do not get to see it as much as I would like to. I already do have every ep on tape, so if I want to see one, I can always steal my parent's vcr and...
  13. I

    What did you do before ...

    I'm moving this one to general. It's off-topic, and yet, it still has something to do with B5, so yeah, general it goes!
  14. I

    I hate Babylon 5

    No, it isn't a sex thing for me either with Ivanova. She's a great character and is one of the better female characters that has made an appearance in a Scifi show set in outer space. Another great thing that the show has as a whole is great characters. Most of the characters are...
  15. I

    there is not going to be a series !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Simon, In the future, please do not name a thread something that is not related to what you are posting about.
  16. I

    SiL question

    Wow, I got chills when I read about the glass and what it might mean. I need to rewatch the ep!! Jnk5y, that's sooo bad!!! ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again...
  17. I

    What do you want?

    I've never really thought about it. I never really thought it was over-used, either. It was just Morden's catch-phrase. Welcome to the boards, Lafe!!! ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if...
  18. I

    season 4

    That's too bad. The show deserved more than two Hugos. But I guess it is saying something that the votes were so split. Ohhh, yes I did notice that. That is really really sooo cool. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's...
  19. I

    Jason Carter: From Marcus Cole to a Chevy Avalanche commercial

    Moved to General. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
  20. I

    Jason Carter: From Marcus Cole to a Chevy Avalanche commercial

    Moved to General. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.