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Search results

  1. I

    B5 Graphic Novel

    Ohhhh, I would love to read that. I need some good reading material that I haven't read yet. Hmmm...Wildstorm is known for being slow, so we just have to wait and see what happens. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's...
  2. I

    Jason Carter Rumor Concerning Harry Potter 3

    If he got any role in Harry Potter 3 (Yes, I see him as Lupin too. *S* but I think he could pull off Sirius or Lupin) that would be a MAJOR boost for him. I mean, come on, he would be working with some of England's greats: Richard Harris, Dame Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Robbie Coltrane, I...
  3. I

    Jason Carter Rumor Concerning Harry Potter 3

    I stumbled over this today when I was looking for pictures of the cast for the second movie. I was really surprised, because I had not seen this rumor on the HP Galleries site. I can only hope that this rumor becomes true because I would LOOOOOVE IT if it was true...
  4. I

    Forbidden Planet

    I've never seen "Forbidden Planet," but I've heard of it. I really haven't seen that many old science fiction movies. The oldest one that I have seen was Planet of the Apes. I'll be making a point now to see "Forbidden Planet" so that I can see that scene. Thanks for mentioning it here...
  5. I

    I have seen the light!

    Ohhh, very cool!!! That is such a great book!! I was late in getting the book too. It is now one of my favorite novels ever. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again...
  6. I

    fav music track?

    I really love Voices of Authority, The last track in Endgame, and of course, Sleeping in Light. I've been thinking about Voices of Authority a lot lately. I think that would be an excellent track to do a ice skating routine to. It has classical elements but it is also lively at times. I got...
  7. I

    The Fourteen Words To Make Someone Fall In Love

    Bakana, Awww, that's not good. Or, maybe they do work, but hypnosis is also implemented. That is, if there isn't any love present. On another note, I still need to finish that series. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's...
  8. I

    Jeremiah contest! Win an a$$ kicking!

    Lyta, Thank ye! *S* Ye know, I didn't even see that bit. I just saw the whole "companion must be 21 or older..." I know I can sign up, too. *rubs hands together and grins* I want an @ss kicking too, though. I'm a big sucker for staged combat. Maybe they would make an exception...
  9. I

    Scifi.com thinks Antony knows something

    I completely agree with Channe. B5LR has been used as a source by Scifi. Though, it does seem odd that Scifi wouldn't already know this. But whatever. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if...
  10. I

    The Fourteen Words To Make Someone Fall In Love

    *LMAO* Nooo, I think maybe the words would be something more of romantic in nature. Maybe something similar to something written by Shakespeare? That's how I always pictured it, anyway. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's...
  11. I

    Amazing Stories

    Ohh, thank you very much for posting that, Kribu. I never knew all of the names before. *makes notes* I hope there is an anthology made. Back issues are really hard to find of those mags, unless you're at a convention of some sort...which I haven't been to one of those in years. *sighs*...
  12. I

    Jason Carter: From Marcus Cole to a Chevy Avalanche commercial

    I said before that I thought that he could do better (and I do), but if this does help his career, than more power to him. I just can't get beyond how he is -so- Marcus in that commerical...of course, that could just very well be me, being the ultra-fan that I am. I did see him on that...
  13. I

    Jason Carter: From Marcus Cole to a Chevy Avalanche commercial

    I said before that I thought that he could do better (and I do), but if this does help his career, than more power to him. I just can't get beyond how he is -so- Marcus in that commerical...of course, that could just very well be me, being the ultra-fan that I am. I did see him on that...
  14. I

    Marcus is a Bum

    I know. I saw that. He looked good, but...I think he can get better work than that. Like, I think that Richard Biggs can be getting better work. He's now on some soap opera. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations...
  15. I

    Mr. Morden worked on B5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FlipperPA, Yes, he did go to Temple University, but he is not originally from Philadelphia. According to Downe's website, Downes was born in the UK, and lived there for 11 years. He moved to Los Angeles when he was 12. I always thought he had a good British accent. ------------------...
  16. I

    Jeremiah contest! Win an a$$ kicking!

    Sounds too fun, but the only crappy thing is that I'M NOT 21 YET!!!! *cries* And I thought that this business about being too young to do stuff was going to end soon...but noooo. *mutters* I just have to wait until June. And not even late June, but early June. *kicks a rock* Well, good...
  17. I

    Dr. Franklin's love life

    Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life I liked Number One, but I think Stephen hit it off more with Janice Rosen. I would have liked to have seen more of her. I also would have liked to have seen more of his relationship with Cailyn. She was a great character and I think they could have used her a...
  18. I

    Babylon 5 Recreation Model Update

    Moved to Fandom, fun and fanfic. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
  19. I

    Babylon 5 Recreation Model Update

    Moved to Fandom, fun and fanfic. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
  20. I

    Babylon 5 Manifesto

    Wow, what a lovely thing that would have been to have seen. Like, on mind-blowing proportions. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your...