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Search results

  1. I

    Online book party for Jeanne Cavelos

    Thrawn, I agree. They just don't want the guest to be flooded with questions and not be able to answer any of them because the screen is moving quickly. I've been to a few moderated chats. You eventually get used to it. Derian, At babylon5.about.com. I'm not sure when it'll pop up. I...
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    Online book party for Jeanne Cavelos

    Hey all!! I was happy to see that some of the posters here at the chat! Of you guys who went, what did you think of it? I had a major blast!!! Jeanne seemed to be really nice. What blew me away was what she told me about the casting shadows piece I made: she printed it out and placed it on...
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    Technomage Books

    Like Jomar, I started reading my book when I got it today (July 2nd) and did peek...I kinda had to, you know? I'm almost halfway done with it (I wanted to finish it today but I had yucky math to deal with) and am loving every page. Its EXCELLENT!! Its as good as the first book!!! If you...
  4. I

    Jeanne Cavelos chat

    My pleasure!! I never saw a post about it here and thought I could pass it along. I'll be there too. *S* ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will...
  5. I

    Jeanne Cavelos chat

    Jeanne Cavelos will be at a chat on About.com. Here is the info from Babylon5.about.com: Chat: Jeanne Cavelos - Techno-mage author - 3 July 9:00 p.m. ET Chat with Jeanne Cavelos, author of The Passing of the Techno-Mages in the About Babylon 5 Fans chat room. The...
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    Technomage Books

    Um, actually, the book came out today, July 1st. JMS said that some stores even had it earlier. But you need to call your store ahread to see if it has it because I called three different stores yesterday (B. Dalton, Borders, and Barnes and Noble) and two of the three (B. Dalton and Barnes...
  7. I

    J.M.S. Updates and Blows Off Some Steam....

    SwiftBiscuit, Not necessarily. What about debates on subjects that give new ideas and explanations? I don't think he can see things like that, either. This is one thing I really hate seeing in contracts. Marvel does this, too. If you're a writer for them, or ever have been a writer for...
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    Max...a telepath?!?

    Has any one else thought that Max is a telepath? A LOW (below P-1) teep. It could explain why he can translate alien languages (some of them belonging to individuals who have been dead for a very long time) and why he is so brilliant. Or am I just coming from left field with this one...
  9. I

    Enid-Raye Adams launches her official website

    The pictures is cool I really liked the site and I think that its neat that one of the actors on the show was the first to show pics ahead of the official pr guys. The pic of JMS on the page...did anyone else just gape at it? He looks so much older from the last time I saw him, which would...
  10. I

    After reading Casting Shadows...

    Such an EXCELLENT book. I did notice that some of the story in it was rewritten from what was shown on Crusade in "The Path of Sorrows." Small minor rewrites so it didn't really bother me. One quote that I love that I think is perfect for the Technomages (I've seen it on a Technomage page...
  11. I

    SciFi.com's Stupidity

    Re: SciFi.com\'s Stupidity People love gipping the West Coast when it comes to TV contests and Special Engagements and the like. I liked Scifi much better when they had only one feed. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's...
  12. I

    Trailer captures from 'hi-quality' version (500K worth)

    Re: Trailer captures from \'hi-quality\' version (500K worth) *L* I did that too, but mine are really bad quality. Thanks, Azlynn!! ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens...
  13. I

    Did anyone else see this during B5 tonight?

    I saw it!!!!! I saw it!!!!! *bounces* I nearly fell off my chair, too!!! I was SOOOOOOOOOOO happy to see it!! I'm just a little depressed that I didn't record it. Yep, it WAS David Martel. *nod* I recognized him right off. Apocalypse Box, Nope, it was the season 5 theme. I know...
  14. I

    Some New B5 Wallpaper....

    If you travel the site a little more, you'll find that there are winzip files for EVERY episode. This is the place where I get my B5 pictures that are screen grabs. There are about thirty pics per file. Its VERY nice. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I...
  15. I

    If you could play a character on Crusade, who would it be and what would their job be

    Re: If you could play a character on Crusade, who would it be and what would their job be If I could play a character in the show, I would play one of the Technomages that had broken away from the Order. And this character would also have a past with Galen (not romantic, mind you, since...
  16. I

    Another JMS Project?

    Wow, JMS sure takes a lot on his plate at one time. According to the back cover of Casting Shadows, he writes ten hours a day...I'm afraid that he might burn himself out from over-working himself. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore...
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    A new theory on the uniform disscusion

    I completely agree with you, Colleen. *S* I think black is a much better color on anybody. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs...
  18. I

    Sci-Fi Channel to air exclusive B5LR footage

    I'll be watching it too...even though I've never read Dune or seen the original movie. Interesting thing about the 12th: that's the starting date for the Witchblade series. I saw that commercial today and was caught by it because I heard someone (and then SAW someone) who reminded me a lot of...
  19. I

    The Legend of the Rangers completes filming

    Now that's what call I WONDERFUL 20th birthday present! Finishing it on the same day of my b-day...that's sooo sooo COOL!!! ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again...
  20. I

    It's A Wrap....

    Re: It\'s A Wrap.... Well, I will say this: I do have faith in JMS...he is a pefectionist after all. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip...