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  1. vacantlook

    Babylon 5 - The Lost Tales ... Question about the Best Buy comic...

    I can't imagine there's anything wrong with a summary or synopsis or anything like that as those are one's own words and not the words of the source being summarized or synopsized.
  2. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    I want to emphasize the equals sign; it's important to include the = after the word spoiler in the opening tag, even if you do not add anything afterward to specify what the spoiler is for.
  3. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    Regarding the events early in the episode re: the Doctor...
  4. vacantlook

    EpDis: Revelations

    Maybe the chrysalis goo is the best shampoo evah!
  5. vacantlook

    W. Morgan Sheppard spotted in Doctor Who

    Well I'm an oblivious sort of person apparently because I didn't catch on to any of this father-son-in-real-life stuff until reading you folk explaining it right now. Thanks for saying as much 'cause it's cool to know. And I didn't know about the W. Morgan as being a contender for G'Kar bit...
  6. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    I had actually had a similar thought, but didn't let myself entertain that thought much because I don't know how I'd feel about it.
  7. vacantlook

    EpDis: Revelations

    What Bab5nutz is talking about is Delenn's hair here in the episode "Revelations", probably particularly the scene in the Captain's office when she pulls the hood off to reveal her new mostly human look complete with very well done hair, which takes place before the episode in which Ivanova...
  8. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    All I remember seeing re: Elisabeth Sladen was a simple placard "in memory of". The aliens have a wonderful in the shadows, conspiratorial, traditional old american secret invasion style to them. They're a good bit X-Files/Roswell-ish, but of course I expect their story will be far more...
  9. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    We had a thread last season for the show, I figure we should have one again this season. And seeing as tonight was the season premier (at least here in the US), I thought I'd go ahead and get a thread going for it. And I notice that we've also got a thread up in the B5.personnel forum about...
  10. vacantlook

    EpDis: A View From The Gallery

    I would say that jms is an intelligent dude, so any of most of his successful funny is intelligence-based. Most of the funny that fails is stuff done in a more slap-stick manner.
  11. vacantlook

    Babylon Podcast Poll: Fave Lyta episode

    Interesting. My votes: Walkabout The Hour Of The Wolf Into The Fire Epiphanies Moments Of Transition Between The Darkness And The Light Thirdspace Darkness Ascending The Wheel Of Fire Objects In Motion
  12. vacantlook

    EpDis: The Parliament Of Dreams

    The outline says that the Minbari prophecy can be read in different ways, that "one outsider was foretold as being able to save the Minbari, give it a new birth," which is what the Grey Council believes specifically about Sinclair, or "that this outsider could cause the destruction of the...
  13. vacantlook

    More B5 on the way?

    Moving back on topic, I sure hope we do get some really good news about some future Babylon 5; that'd be awesome. Over the past couple of years, I've been trying to get my best friend into watching the show. She's done so partially because she's enjoyed some moments and characters of it and...
  14. vacantlook

    EpDis: Messages From Earth

    "Matters Of Honor", first episode of season three; I just watched that one the other day. :) I can't remember for certain, but didn't Delenn at some point in some episode or another say that the Shadows hid their ships on various planets and the like in order to keep a low profile for a while...
  15. vacantlook

    EpDis: Acts Of Sacrifice

    Like the Lumati's social philosophy could reveal a history of Shadow influence in their species, I also think that we see that with another species too: the Drazi. With the whole Purple-Green conflict, there is really no reason behind that beyond having a conflict to see who'll win in the end...
  16. vacantlook

    EpDis: GROPOS

    As much as there are plenty of women who want sex for the sake of sex proving women aren't uniformly the stereotype of a virtuous maiden, there are conversely men that aren't always sex for the sake of sex. As such, I don't find it unrealistic that Garibaldi would make the choice he did in the...
  17. vacantlook

    EpDis: The Parliament Of Dreams

    The pre-Sinclair-is-Valen narrative outline for the progress of the story has the person of interest in the Minbari's prophecy being Sinclair and Delenn's son. That's why at the end of <i>Babylon 5</i> in that narrative the Minbari, now led by the Warrior Caste after they overthrew the Grey...
  18. vacantlook

    Farscape question

    One particular Ancient named MacGuffin declared it to be thus.
  19. vacantlook

    EpDis: The Parliament Of Dreams

    According to the original narrative breakdown for the show printed in the special Volume 15 of the scriptbooks, in the original plan for Sinclair, he would never have gone back in time to become Valen but instead would've gone forward in time with Delenn as his wife and the two of them having...
  20. vacantlook

    EpDis: Revelations

    As always, we enjoy hearing about people's thoughts as they watch each episode, or in your case watch it for the second time. Please feel free to post as many of your thoughts as you feel like; we really do enjoy reading them.