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  1. vacantlook

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    The project he's referencing in that tweet is not the reboot.
  2. vacantlook

    New logo

    jms has referenced this non-reboot project long before now, so here's what we know: We knew as far back as late August of last year that every surviving main cast member of B5 is involved in this project. He has described this project as "the closest thing to the original B5 in tone of...
  3. vacantlook

    EpDis: The Geometry Of Shadows

    I wonder if jms's Babylon 5 reboot ever happens if it might contain more of the technomages than we got in the original B5 series.
  4. vacantlook

    Who's around

    I usually look in every few days or so.
  5. vacantlook

    Reaction videos

    Found another reactor on YouTube that I've been enjoying (I haven't watched all of her videos for B5 yet though). Shelley's Babylon 5 reaction playlist. .
  6. vacantlook

    Reaction videos

    Aside from Medusa Cascade, who for me is the current top tier standard of B5 reactions, I've lately gotten into the "Grey 17 Babylon 5 Podcast," which is on YouTube in addition to podcast-specific sites. They have a larger number of participants than I expected when I first pressed play, and...
  7. vacantlook

    special Guest Star - ...........

    Switch the polarity: former antagonist turns good guy. Peter Jurasik as Emperor Turhan?
  8. vacantlook

    special Guest Star - ...........

    Bruce Boxleitner as President Clark?
  9. vacantlook

    special Guest Star - ...........

    I could see Boxleitner as this show's version of General Hague.
  10. vacantlook

    EpDis: Chrysalis

    Welcome to the site!!
  11. vacantlook

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    One common comment I saw throughout the day that the reboot was announced was worry about the show being on CW meaning that the characters would be played by uncharacteristically young actors. Hopefully this tweet from jms will calm those worrying about it.
  12. vacantlook

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    I really liked the first two seasons of Arrow, the first two or three seasons of The Flash, and the first two seasons of Legends of Tomorrow. Though they were all three superhero shows, they each had different tonal qualities. Because the network has had so many superhero shows, I think that...
  13. vacantlook

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    I saw one comment on Twitter yesterday that likened the concept of this reboot to a remix in music: In many ways you can still recognize the song even though there are some changes in both the music and instrumentation. jms seemed to approve of this recent description: "Not the same stories and...
  14. vacantlook

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    Welcome!! You can have a seat over here with the rest of us aliens.
  15. vacantlook

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I'm cool with having a thread on this topic in this forum too, so no worries deaded.
  16. vacantlook

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    My brain is currently malfunctioning, I think. The first part of me is all, how real is this, this can't be real this time, can it? The second part of me is all, as long as jms is in charge, I'm on board. The third part of me is, how will this differ from the original, what will change, what...
  17. vacantlook

    New To Babylon 5

    Please feel free to post your thoughts as you proceed through your watching of the series. B5 fans tend to enjoy being able to vicariously relive the first time viewing experience. Personally, I think Sinclair and Sheridan are very different energies. I think I might have preferred Sheridan...
  18. vacantlook

    In Memory Still Bright: Mira Furlan

    I feel like I should say something, but I just don't know how anymore. I've been feeling like there's too much death and threat of death around me lately, and I fear being overwhelmed by it all. It is so sad learning of this, and I couldn't help but to tear up at what jms wrote. Delenn was a...
  19. vacantlook

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    I just finished watching Oshiro's video for "Intersections in Real Time." I love his comment: "What if my review of this episode is just, 'Fuck all of you'?"
  20. vacantlook

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    In a comment posted to yesterday's review for "All Alone In The Night," Oshiro said he's now finished watching season 2 and he posted this gif to accompany that comment.