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  1. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Survivors We start by seeing Garibaldi and Ivanova entering the core shuttle. While we’ve had characters on the shuttle before, this is the first time (unless I’m mistaken) that we’ve seen people getting on / getting off the shuttle. And their doing so brings us into the plot: sabotage in...
  2. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Believers This is an uncomfortable episode, which I suppose is the point. I’m the kind of person who experiences sympathetic embarrassment easily, and I go through it a lot in this episode. The expression / discussion of the alien-of-the-week’s religion feels really silly and it often takes me...
  3. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Deathwalker This is an episode I generally like going through again when I do rewatches. Mostly because I think the primary thing I think of when I think of this episode is the performance of the character Na'Toth. It makes me sad the actor couldn't do the role beyond this season. Kosh does...
  4. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    And The Sky Full Of Stars While there was a bit of a reference to Sinclair’s missing time in “Soul Hunter,” this is the first real, substantive episode to handle that piece of his history. Amnesia plots can be tiresome and cliché and common, so this really needs something more than just...
  5. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    The War Prayer So, the big surprising revelation about this episode is the conflicting information we get: in this episode Delenn knows what a poem is, but in some other (I forget which) she has to be told by Sinclair?Sheridan? what a poem is. What?? Though that discrepancy exists, of course...
  6. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    As far as I can tell, the Assassins' Guild is Narn exclusive. I don't remember it ever being mentioned other than this particular instance. But it's well known enough that Na'Toth can discuss their procedures (the black flower) and can put on enough of a ruse (knowing they always send a backup...
  7. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Mind War This episode was one I have a definitive memory of sitting on the floor of my living room watching one midday Saturday when it first aired. This is our first episode to really focus on human telepaths. The parts about telepaths in “The Gathering” and “Midnight On The Firing Line” were...
  8. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    The Parliament of Dreams The introduction of Catherine Sakai. Carolyn Sykes was a pleasant enough character in “The Gathering,” but she along with the three main cast members who didn’t come over for the show had to be replaced. Of all the former lovers come to B5 – which given the nature of...
  9. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    I imagine I'll slow down; I just kind of wanted to bank a few episodes while I have the time. Some of this is that I've been feeling a fair bit depressed, and I'm trying to distract myself. I don't foresee myself sticking to this level of frequency of posting.
  10. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Infection First episode filmed. It shows. So, Dr Franklin’s archeology professor shows up. Dr Franklin is a medical doctor. He had an archeology professor? I guess it must have had something to do with an elective or part of the xeno- part of Franklin’s xenobiology specialization. Still, it...
  11. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Born To The Purple So, Londo “falls in love.” Does he really though? Aside from being beautiful and giving him attention when he wants praise and admiration, what does Adira bring to the table to truly be a display of a loving relationship? Given that Londo is so into Adira is the central...
  12. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Soul Hunter I have never liked this episode, no matter how much I try. One of the complaints I often see in discussions about the ep is the idea that it makes a statement that souls are real, which I don’t get from the show at all. While it cannot be denied that the Soul Hunter does create...
  13. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Midnight On The Firing Line So there was a year between when “The Gathering” aired and when this first proper episode of the show was broadcast. There were changes. Takashima, Kyle, and Lyta were replaced with Ivanova, Franklin (who doesn’t show up in this episode but soon will), and Talia...
  14. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    I so prefer the Minbari prosthetics and makeup in "The Gathering." It feels complete, more richly designed. The ears, especially, feel real, whereas in the show are blatantly a flat prosthetic. I've tried to find it but can't currently. There was a series of art pieces done to help sell the...
  15. vacantlook

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    So, I have decided that I’m going to rewatch Babylon 5. I originally saw the pilot – “The Gathering” – when it originally broadcast. It was luck. Living on a farm in the middle of nowhere central Virginia, I grew up without cable/satellite/etc, so I only had access to like 5 broadcast channels...
  16. vacantlook

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    I don't know if it would impact us here, but there's a guy named Mark Oshiro who, due to a strict upbringing, did not watch a lot of shows growing up that many of us have. He's currently finishing up the various Star Trek series (he just recently started Enterprise. He tweeted out his plans for...
  17. vacantlook

    RIP Stephen Furst :(

    I only just read about this. So many....
  18. vacantlook

    RIP Jerry Doyle

    It's been a while since I last checked in on this board, but I had to come by to see if Doyle's death was true. It's becoming quite a list of those gone from B5.
  19. vacantlook

    Aborted Reboot

    I think the biggest thing that hurt season 5 was the ending of the Earth civil war having been squeezed into the end of season 4, what with jms thinking they wouldn't even get a season 5 and all. If season 4 had ended with Sheridan's capture as the original plan was to be, then there would've...
  20. vacantlook

    Robin Sachs, 1951-2013

    Man, another one? :( Can people please stop dying? :(