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Search results

  1. vacantlook

    Star Wars: Episodes VII-IX

    I still refuse to excuse Abrams for the Star Trek film's plot involving a supernova that "threatened to destroy the galaxy". It's one thing for science fiction to invent science, but it's another to contradict what we actually already know. It should be less of a problem for Abrams with Star...
  2. vacantlook

    Star Wars: Episodes VII-IX

    So, JJ Abrams is going to do the new Star Wars movie. Does anyone else feel that his controlling both Star Trek and Star Wars now seems in some way incestuous? Like seriously, is there no one else out there that could do a new Star Wars? I'm just so freaking tired of him.
  3. vacantlook

    Doctor Who - The Snowmen *SPOILERS*

    Prior to the start of this season, I had seen a picture of the new companion. So when I watched the first episode this season, I thought I must have mistaken the picture I had seen. And then when I watched The Snowmen, I knew it was introducing the new companion and thought "She looks a lot like...
  4. vacantlook

    Star Wars: Episodes VII-IX

    If I had to guess re: Korra, season two will probably start in the spring much like season one did. They've recently been recording some commentary tracks for the DVDs, so those will come out soon, most likely in advance of season two as a promotional act.
  5. vacantlook

    Star Wars: Episodes VII-IX

    I gave up on The Clone Wars when, in season three I think it was, they had several episodes that were chronologically set during different parts of season one but there was no on-screen indication of that; viewers were just left to figure it out on their own. I remember watching one such episode...
  6. vacantlook

    The Hobbit (& its sequel)

    I didn't realize until just now reading about it that they're doing The Hobbit as 3 (three) films. I thought it was two, which I thought was stretching it. But three? How is that going to happen. There's not really enough for three; that's really stretching it beyond my comprehesion.
  7. vacantlook

    A Thought About the Vorlons

    I also wouldn't have been surprised if Kosh had set up some sort of special high tech package to be delivered to humans at some predetermined future point in humanity's advancement. Kosh did tend to act outside of normal Vorlon paterns and expectations.
  8. vacantlook

    Season 1 hump....

    When Kosh's ship comes out of the jumpgate in "The Gathering", my jaw hit the floor. It was so unlike anything I had ever seen on Star Trek The Next Generation.
  9. vacantlook

    Season 1 hump....

    At least we did get introduced to Bester in season one; "Mind War" is one of the first season episodes that I can most clearly remember watching in its original broadcast. I was all, "Ooo!" the whole time. And to find out through behind-the-scenes info that Walter Koenig was originally going to...
  10. vacantlook

    The Hobbit (& its sequel)

    I actually like The Hobbit book better than The Lord Of The Rings books. I had to literally make myself finish LOTR; it annoyed me how it could spend a page and a half talking about what day of the month it was but only took a quarter of a page between Gandalf arriving at Helm's Deep to the end...
  11. vacantlook

    Season 1 hump....

    It's actually reassuring that I'm not. :thumbsup:
  12. vacantlook

    Season 1 hump....

    I've got you all beat: I took to B5 from the very beginning with "The Gathering" way back with its original broadcast in 1993. :p
  13. vacantlook

    The Hobbit (& its sequel)

    I don't know but if I had to take a guess, I would imagine that part one is going to end with the dwarves being captured by the elves in Mirkwood, leaving Bilbo all on his own. But that's just a guess as it would be a decent cliffhanger ending for the first film.
  14. vacantlook

    Probably a Silly Question About "Twilight" Vampires.

    Because since the whole story is a giant Mary Sue fanwank, vampires can't have vulnerabilities like other vamp stories do. They're all so perfect and pretty, at least by the author's standards.
  15. vacantlook

    Season 1 hump....

    The idea behind the story of "Believers" is good, and there are a couple of worthwhile moments, but the alien's culture is just so silly it really drags down what's good about the story. And in case anyone might want to use it, the spoiler code for the board is: [ spoiler= ] [ /spoiler ]...
  16. vacantlook

    EpDis: Signs And Portents

    jms's original plan would've had the stealing of B4 from the past be the beginning of a spinoff series, and instead of B4 being taken into the past it would've gone into the future to be used as a moving (B4 had engines) base after B5's destruction. In that original plan, Sinclair never was...
  17. vacantlook

    EpDis: Signs And Portents

    Babylon 5 would have been destroyed at the end of the series, but instead of being decomissioned as in the finished product it was going to be destroyed by the Minbari, who were being led by the Warrior Caste with the Grey Council having been overthrown. They were trying to stop the Minbari's...
  18. vacantlook

    B5 DVD Cover Artwork - Personal Collection

    We might have fewer posts here these days, but there's always someone lurking about. The covers are pretty cool; thanks for sharing with us.
  19. vacantlook

    Passing of Turhan Bey

    Wow, 90 is a fairly long life, but srsly can people please stop dying!!
  20. vacantlook

    Upconverting Babylon 5 DVD's to 1080i/1080p?

    I don't know if it was firmware that I was updating, but the last (and so far only) time I updated my bluray player, the update was burned onto a disc.