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  1. vacantlook

    Passing of Michael O'Hare

    Man, I can't believe I haven't checked in at this board for almost a week, and in failing to do so, come in late to this news. There is little that I can say that won't be woefully insufficient. :( It is sad to lose yet another who helped to build one of the best tv stories of all time. Peace be...
  2. vacantlook

    New fan

    LOL, funny that you got it unintentionally right for your screenname then. :)
  3. vacantlook

    New fan

    I don't see a need to delete this thread unless you really, really want me to. You've included content about the B5 universe and story, so it's not just a standard miscellaneous "I'm new" sort of thread. And I especially don't want to delete because I have a question. Am I missing something...
  4. vacantlook

    Legend of Korra

    Bryan Konietzko said on his Tumblr that Nick is looking at the total 52 as being two seasons or some such because of better being able to sell the show overseas in 26 episode chunks, but that he and the production crew are looking at it all as four books. Book 1 as the 12 episodes we've had so...
  5. vacantlook

    Legend of Korra

    Yup, I read about the aditional episodes a couple days ago. Lots of yay from me! I enjoyed the finale of Book 1, though I do wish there had been some addressing the validity of the bigger argument that the Equalists were making. So I'm hoping we haven't seen the last of the Equalists because...
  6. vacantlook

    Comic-Con 2012

    Even with it being jms, I don't know if I'll be able to handle a horror show on Starz; I've tried to watch Spartacus a few times and the violence is so horrible that I twice nearly hurled and quickly just had to give up trying to watch the show. I think I've become way too sensitive to violence...
  7. vacantlook

    Comic-Con 2012

    Thanks Jan. I've been curious ever since I read about his original comment. That he's excited, considering he always has seemed to me as a not-easily excitable person, has me, who can get far more excited than is good for himself, even more excited now than before.
  8. vacantlook

    EpDis: Point Of No Return

    Morella didn't say that he had failed the first two of the three she named, she said, "You still have three opportunities to avoid the fire that waits for you at the end of your journey. You have already wasted two others." So he had five total. Since "Signs And Portents" and "The Coming Of...
  9. vacantlook

    EpDis: Revelations

    Yeah, that's a DVD thing. If I remember correctly, in the original TV broadcast, the shots of Delenn in the S2 opening credits didn't update to have her new appearance until the episode after she revealed her new appearance. For the couple of episodes prior to the reveal, in the original TV...
  10. vacantlook

    Legend of Korra

    Bit of triva, which you might already know: the character Mako is named for the actor Mako, who did the voice of Uncle Iroh in Avatar The Last Airbender for seasons one and two before dying of cancer. I'm definitely enjoying Korra so far. This morning's new episode, "The Spirit Of...
  11. vacantlook

    Patrica Tallman Podcast

    Double pssst.... It's Lyta. :p
  12. vacantlook

    Legend of Korra

    So, I watched the first two episodes. :D I will be watching them again when they come up on the west coast feed of Nickelodeon, and then again when they're shown again at 3pm on the east coast feed, and then again when that rebroadcast comes on the west coast feed. So all-in-all, I'll get to...
  13. vacantlook

    Legend of Korra

    I'm so excited! Tomorrow morning is the premier at 11 am (eastern).
  14. vacantlook

    Talia Winters

    I've never read any of the comics, what with their being as difficult to acquire as they are, so I have trouble seeing them as canon.
  15. vacantlook

    Talia Winters

    My personal fantasy is that Ironheart perceived the Control personality and along with giving her telekinetic power made it such that Talia's personality wouldn't be destroyed by triggering Control, instead allowing Talia to absorb all the knowledge of Control but keeping her own identity and...
  16. vacantlook

    A Thought About the Vorlons

    I don't think it's explicitly stated in the show itself, but I've always been under the impression that the Vorlon homeworld is to where the humans are moving when Sol explodes in "The Deconstruction Of Falling Stars".
  17. vacantlook


    Prometheus is set in the same storyuniverse as the Alien franchise, but it's not directly connected to the Alien series' story. Chronologically it takes place before the first Alien film. Prometheus trailer Freaky!
  18. vacantlook

    Legend of Korra

    The titles of the first two episodes, which will air back-to-back on April 14, are "Welcome To Republic City" and "A Leaf In The Wind". And from a Nick press release: "Xbox users will have the opportunity to download the first episode and trailer for free and purchase episodes from Avatar: The...
  19. vacantlook

    Legend of Korra

    Nickelodeon, actually, Sindatur. For those who are interested, here are two new Korra trailers that were released alongside the premier date announcement. The first one listed is a more proper trailer, whereas the second one, to me at least, seems a bit more like a tv advertisement. Both are...
  20. vacantlook

    Legend of Korra

    We now have a premier date!! The first two episodes of The Legend Of Korra will be broadcast on Saturday, April 14 at 11:00 AM. There are apparently a couple new trailers released alongside today's premier date announcement, but I haven't gone hunting for them yet. I'm super excited though. :D