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  1. vacantlook

    EpDis: There All The Honor Lies

    Hmm. The pak'ma'ra sing on Babylon 5. The Ood sing on Doctor Who. What is it about singing tentacle-faces?
  2. vacantlook

    Technomage Trilogy discussion thread

    I agree re: Morden. In the show, he most definitely is a smarmy ass that likes what he's doing. Giving him a sympathetic reason for doing what he does not match up to his attitude on the show while doing it.
  3. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    The Doctor's dislike of violence yet his effectively warrior-izing those who he befriends is a very intriguing theme; I can definitely understand why they'd want to continue exploring it in the show.
  4. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    JJ, nope, I don't have OnDemand. Nice summary, Sindatur. I loved the build up of the Doctor's assault force. And I was totally surprised by Amy telling Melody, "he's known as the Last Centurion". I, of course, was expecting her to say "the Doctor", so that ended up making Rory's...
  5. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    So, with the Memorial Day week break, it totally threw me off last week when they came back, and that resulted in me totally forgetting about the show last week until it was like at least half over. So, I decided to wait to watch the repeat before tonight's new episode (thank you BBCAmerica for...
  6. vacantlook

    Lurker's Guide down?

    It does seem like the midwinter copy of the Lurker's Guide is down. Here's a mirror site that seems to be working with the exception of the episode list, so you can access links to the individual episodes through the "reference" link. Lurker's Guide via ntua.gr
  7. vacantlook

    RIP Jeff Conaway

    ^LondosHair, that is definitely one of the main scenes I remember of his. I also really enjoy his having trouble with his uniform not quite fitting. That always makes me laugh.
  8. vacantlook

    New B5 coming?

    I'm excited that one of those bits of business is his having voiced a character for the upcoming (next year) Legend of Korra, spinoff of Avatar The Last Airbender. He did a voice for a character in one episode of ATLA ("The Avatar State"), but with his name having been part of those announced...
  9. vacantlook

    RIP Jeff Conaway

    I skip coming by the board for a day and this happens. I never have any appropriate words to say in response to events like this. It's sad. What an insufficient statement, but it is true. It is sad.
  10. vacantlook

    New B5 coming?

    One of the script books published through Cafe Press. And regarding the Garibaldi story, while ultimately the story really didn't do anything, it would've been interesting to see jms's take on a Martian.
  11. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    No! Two weeks until the continuation of the story started in tonight's episode. Two weeks?? [grumpy face] I wonder if they're going to touch on Rory's time as a nesting dupilicate in his interacting with the gangers in the rest of this story. And I wonder how long it will be until we...
  12. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    I so totally forgot today was Saturday and thus Doctor Who tonight. And now, it's halfway through the episode. Thankfully BBC America reruns it again in a few hours. EDIT: Saw the repeat, and I definitely thought it was way better than last week.
  13. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    Well that makes sense then for why it's still thought of as connected to children's programming today. I've never seen any of the show before Eccleston. I'm surprised BBC America doesn't show any of the older classic episodes, but they don't. I noticed yesterday that at least some of the...
  14. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    I guess that's just something that's different between the US and the UK; Doctor Who isn't marketed as a kids' show here at all, so I had no idea that it was presented that way there.
  15. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    I can't say I exactly enjoyed this week's episode. I was originally really excited about it because, after all, pirates! But it never did quite grab me as I watched. And I was fairly disappointed by the ending in that...
  16. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    I guess the UK has a different perspective on the show. I've never thought of Doctor Who as a kid's show, granted I've only ever seen it since the Chris Eccleston days and none from before that. It seems to me that the US perspective on the show is that it's a science fiction show. Though I...
  17. vacantlook

    Captain Power returns.

    I'll go delete the duplicate thread; we'll use this one as "the" one since this is the one that got a reply. :) And yeah, hopefully it'll be better than BSG ended up being.
  18. vacantlook

    EpDis: The Legend of the Rangers

    I don't think we can really say with much of any sense of definity who the Hand were based on just "To Live And Die In Starlight". After all, who could say anything comparatively definitive about the Vorlons (or the Shadows, of whom we knew absolutely nothing) after just "The Gathering". It is...
  19. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    So, I just started to have a thought enter my mind.
  20. vacantlook

    Doctor Who Series 6

    Well, that was fun. :D