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  1. V

    Terminator News

    Well, actually a woman and teenager show, since it's after the end of T2, not Terminator... :p But I agree...this doesn't excite me at all, and seems indicative of the current trend of returning to past glories, rather than trying to make something new and interesting. Yawn! VB. PS - of...
  2. V

    Star Wars, the greatest postmodern art film ever ?

    Re: Star Wars, the greatest postmodern art film ev That is pretty fuuny. Even funnier, I saw someone today on the UK Browncoat's forum said Lucas' dialogue was like Bertholt Brecht's! Nope, it's just pi$h. ;) VB
  3. V

    New Blakes 7?

    I'm more worried by the fact they have a time machine; that press release was issued...TOMORROW! VB
  4. V

    Serenity DVDs

    I believe it's confirmed - certainly it's being spoken about on the UK Browncoat forums as if it has. And yeah, I'm not surprised the DVD's ready so soon - as Recoil noted, the film's been ready for ages, plus the studio knows the DVD sales will likely be the make / break moment. VB
  5. V

    'Time's' 100 Greatest Novels

    Re: \'Time\'s\' 100 Greatest Novels I've read 12 completely, and am "culturally aware" of about half of the others. Thing is, what were their criteria? Lists like these are so subjective. And can you explain to me how the 100 greatest novels of ALL TIME can be restricted to post 1923? It's...
  6. V

    Dr Who Spin-off??

    I guess it would be similar to stuff that's shown on cable channels (like HBO I think?). Stuff like Jeremiah or Odyssey 5, which had lots of gratuitous swearing and topless ladies. :) Not quite as overt / gratuitous as that, perhaps, but yeah - swearing/sex/drug use/other adult themes, I'd...
  7. V

    Serenity - SPOILERS! Consider yourself warned!

    I thought it was a firework, rather than just a model rocket, and that maybe it was some kind of Chinese custom? VB
  8. V

    Dr Who Spin-off??

    Sounds excellent, looking forwards to that! Not sure about UNIT though - I thought all the top brass was wiped out in the last series?
  9. V

    Region 2 release?

    Nope. Season 1's out on Region 1, Season 2's not been released on DVD at all. VB
  10. V

    Serenity - SPOILERS! Consider yourself warned!

    I'm going to see it for a...4th time this week. So far I've seen it once in the Film Festival in August, once on Thursday (my Birthday) with wife, and then again on Friday with a mate who'd loved Firefly. Going back later on this week with another mate who's never seen Firefly, plus one or...
  11. V

    Serenity - SPOILERS! Consider yourself warned!

    Absolutely - also as Mal sits down he looks at them for just a moment, before starting on the controls.
  12. V

    Serenity - SPOILERS! Consider yourself warned!

    I just watched it a 2nd time tonight (some... 5 or 6 weeks after the first time)...Joss Whedon's a very clever man. Because Wash's death wasn't a surprise this time around, there were some very poignant moments...like on Miranda, when Jane's freaking out, the camera is spinning around, then it...
  13. V

    The mighty GKarsEye watches Firefly

    Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity Yeah - there's a feature in SFX, about the fact that they deliberately mutilate themselveds, including carving bones to look like fangs etc and attaching them to their faces. So there's more to them than just kill-maim-burn.
  14. V

    New Serenity Trailer...

    No worries dude! :) As I said though, it was good to know that the movie appeals to those who haven't fallen under the Cult Of Whedon, as well as Fanboi's like me. :) VB
  15. V

    Serenity - SPOILERS! Consider yourself warned!

    I think Wash's death was handled well - as mentioned above, it showed that death isn't always nice and heroic/dramatic. Sometimes it is stupid and abrupt. Plus it conveyed the sense of danger. If all 9 had survived an encounter with the Reavers, it would have been unrealistic, or at least the...
  16. V

    Serenity - SPOILERS! Consider yourself warned!

    Yep, she's definitely less damaged than she was. Not 100% "normal" but not as crazy as she was. Regarding allusions etc, on the UK Browncoats forum we had a wee conflab about similarities to The Tempest / Forbidden Planet. Reavers as creatures of the ID/Caliban, plus a lot of the themes about...
  17. V

    New Serenity Trailer...

    Good review Darth, glad you liked it as a sceptic. :) Just three incredibly minor things though: 1) It's "Whedon" not "Whelon" or "Wheldon" 2) It's "Reavers" not "Reapers" 3) Shepherd is his title, not his name. His name's Book, so Shepherd Book is the equivalent of "Father Ted" to give a...
  18. V

    Worst series finales?

    Well I didn't watch Enterprise after Season 1, but from what I've heard it's finale takes the Golden Raspberry, hands down. I loved the end of Angel - I thought it perfectly summed up the season, and was the ideal "open resolution" ending. Thematically everything was wrapped up, but there's...
  19. V

    Masters of the Universe!

    I had a similar experience with a Cyberpunk movie called "Nemesis". I watched this on video with my mates when I was about 16, and we swore it was the coolest d*mn movie we'd ever seen. Fast forward 12 years and I spy it on DVD for a fiver, so pick up. Suffice to say, it's pretty d*mn far...
  20. V

    Oatley sees Rick Wakeman live

    Those in the UK may also know Rick Wakeman as the garishly jacketed presenter of "Live at Jongleurs". Glad you enjoyed it. I had the opperchancity to see the Pixies live on Sunday, and it too was a gig to remember. Minimal banter, but awesome tune after awesome tune. Never thought I'd get to...