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    HBO's Rome

    Re: HBO\'s Rome SIR Derek Jacobi, luvvie! ;) VB
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    The mighty GKarsEye watches Firefly

    No spoilers here...but Serenity focusses on River's story...which is predominantly wrapped up in the movie (no surprise there; movies tend to need a certain degree of closure, after all). Yet there's definitely scope for sequels... VB
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    Finally Got My Hands On It

    Really? I much prefered Season 2... I think I liked the whole Simms / Jeremiah / Marcus thang...plus Mister Smith... too funny. Although the Libby angle was a little rushed, IMO... VB
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    New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted??

    Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted Yes! Hell yes! Amen! VB PS - well, a little time travel never hurt anyone... ;)
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    New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted??

    Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted I think that Trek should be looking forward, not grubbing about in Prequels. Just MHO, natch. :D VB
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    What books are we reading now?

    I'm reading Canterbury Tales and Robinson Crusoe at the minute... VB
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    New Serenity Trailer...

    It explains some of the questions, yes. I'm sure I wont be spoiling it if I tell you it focuses on River this time (i.e. her secrets. Click here to see some awesome viral marketing videos... ) It leaves some other questions open which, I guess, may or may not be answered in any sequels. If...
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    Finally Got My Hands On It

    The second season really is good, isn't it? :) IT's a shame they didn't do more, but at least it ended at a thematically appropriate juncture, I suppose, no real cliff hangers... VB
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    New Serenity Trailer...

    I've just seen Serenity - short version...it rocked. Longer version... it had everything I wanted/expected - the humour, drama, characters...and the big "plot" wasn't a random sci-fi macguffin, but tied directly into one of the central themes of Firefly and Serenity. Awesome stuff, truly. :) VB
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    Lost Season 1 (no spoilers of Season 2 please)

    Re: Lost (no spoilers please) Just watched episodes 3 and 4...wow. :) It just gets better and better...Ep 3 was good. Ep 4 (the Locke-centric one) was fan-bloody-tastic. :D VB
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    American Gothic - on DVD (R1) October 25

    And that's Buck with a "B". :)
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    Lost Season 1 (no spoilers of Season 2 please)

    Re: Lost (no spoilers please) Awesome. It's been hyped so much my expectations were waaaay up there, but somehow, it exceeded them. Colour me v. impressed. :D VB
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    Lost Season 1 (no spoilers of Season 2 please)

    Re: Lost (no spoilers please) I was out last night so taped it. Watching it in...2 hours. :D
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    It was, perhaps, inevitable...

    There's also the whole civil war angle; Whedon very specifically modelled the post-civil war theme after the US Civil War. Sort of the Outlaw Josey Wales in Space. ;) VB
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    Re: Missing Dr Who? @Colony Earth - wowza, must have hit a nerve, sorry. Thing is, points 1 and 2 of your response have zip to do with what I said, but anyway... My point is simply this; your posts seem to suggest that the only reason Dr Who isn't being aired in America, is because the BBC...
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    Re: Missing Dr Who? @Colonyearth; I still don't think it's right that you seem to percieve the situation as the BBC are witholding the new Who from American fans. Surely there's a chance that (as we've heard) the American TV Networks (renowned bastions of mediocrity and moronity that they are)...
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    Re: Missing Dr Who? I could be wrong, but last I heard the problem was the American networks didn't want to buy Who, as it was "too British" or something. I think if my Transatlantic pals are after getting the new Who on TV, the best people to harass would be American Networks, no? VB
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    Sci Fi Channel UK

    I'm on Telewest Digital too, but I do have broadband. :D
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    Sci Fi Channel UK

    Sci Fi's worth watching, as you get some decent films on there, and right now they're re-running Firefly. Also, scifi gets the Dead Zone first (before Ch 5 show it eventually); hopefully Season 4 should be on soon... VB
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    Wonderfalls on DVD

    Yep, on Tuesdays at 9pm. They've shown the first 3 so far.