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  1. V

    Wonderfalls on DVD

    Sky One are shwoing it over here just now; so far I like what I see. :) VB
  2. V

    JMS signed on to a new ST series??

    Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series. Is there a chance the Marvel series JMS is involved in is the forthcoming Blade series? VB
  3. V

    New Serenity Trailer...

    The International Serenity Trailer is available: HERE. Warning...it's getting a lot of traffic today! Vb
  4. V

    Global Frequency pilot...

    I'm d/l-ing this now... any news on these talks?... VB
  5. V

    'Serenity', 'Firefly' news

    Re: \'Serenity\', \'Firefly\' news So I managed to get a ticket; after queuing in person for ages. They were sold out, but then 1 ticket reappeared on the system. So woohoo for me, but for my mates...not so much. :( VB
  6. V

    'Serenity', 'Firefly' news

    Re: \'Serenity\', \'Firefly\' news GAH! The Film Festival web site and phone lines are down! Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!
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    Comic book movies all over the place

    Oh, to the main topic at hand...I'[d love to see Watchmen done well...but last I head Paramount pulled the plug. VB
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    Comic book movies all over the place

    One thing I'd say about the Matrix trilogy; try watching all three back to back. I thought the sequels were "meh" before but having watched them all right through, I actually really like them now. The original is still the best, but the sequels have lots of things going for them too; there are...
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    'Serenity', 'Firefly' news

    Re: \'Serenity\', \'Firefly\' news Well Joss just got a mention on the News at 6, as he's appearing at the Edinburgh Film Festival. Sweet! VB
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    War of the Worlds (SPOILERS)

    Re: War of the Worlds (SPOILERS) Well you are of course entitled to your opion, but I disagree with your disagreements. :D It's too different to War of the Worlds for me; I have read the book, and the musical, and heard the radio adaptation. Loved 'em. Didn't like George Pal's film...
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    Who started this rumor?

    gotta be bogus. Gotta ba.
  12. V

    War of the Worlds (SPOILERS)

    Re: War of the Worlds (SPOILERS) I decided not to go see this, for two reasons. 1) no matter how good it may or may not be, its not war of the worlds. 2) I've been reading up a lot on Scientology; that and Tom Cruise's irresponsible outbursts have convinced me to stay away from his movies. VB
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    Re: BADWOLF Ahhhh, Peri.... :D VB
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    Re: BADWOLF Excellent! :) Apparently the Slitheen, which were less than popular with the older, more die-hard fans were a hit with the kids too. Playgrounds have been overrun with children unzipping their heads! :D VB
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    I think McKay's the main funny man for Atlantis, but you're right it is more of an ensemble. (not to mention it should be pronounced "kai" not "kay") VB
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    Batman Begins (SPOILERS)

    Re: Batman Begins I didn't, no. Is it available online anywhere? VB
  17. V

    Batman Begins (SPOILERS)

    Re: Batman Begins 1 good possible Joker would be the chap who played him in that Fan Film from a year or two ago...(Dead End) Indeed, on checking up that was Andrew Koenig; Bester's boy! :) VB
  18. V

    Greatest lightsaber duels part II

    It's the biggie from TPM for me...by far the most dramatic/narrative choreography, IMO. VB
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    Batman Begins (SPOILERS)

    Re: Batman Begins Favourite lines? Mine could very well be: "Do I LOOK like a cop?!?" VB
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    Batman Begins (SPOILERS)

    Re: Batman Begins ... ... And it was brilliant! Everything about it...script, direction, acting; especially the acting. Bale was good but Murphy, Caine, Neeson and Oldman were all fantastic. Loved it to bits. :) VB