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  1. V

    Batman Begins (SPOILERS)

    Re: Batman Begins I'm off to see it in...an hour! Sweet!
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    Dr Who 2006

    Good news! They've confirmed that in addition to the Xmas special and 2nd season, we'll get a 2nd Xmas Special and a third season as well! Sweeet! :D As to Captain Jack..... **BEWARE THE CURSE OF THE SPOILERS.....** ***** OK, so CJ will be back next season, but not in the first...
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    Dr Who 2006

    Now THAT'S a d*mned interesting idea...the Human Race as the ultimate bad guys... VB
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    Dr Who 2006

    SPOILERS!!!!! My guess is that it's either Adam or the Dalek from Ep 6...most likely the Dalek. Through absorption of Human DNA he's learned how to manufacture Daleks from humans. So the Bad Wolf games have a two fold purpose; to distract/neuter Earth, and to get recruits to be...
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    Battlestar Galactica new

    It took a loooong time to hook me, and to be honest, I'm still only slightly above "meh" with it. The last 3 or 4 eps got me hooked enough to make sure I watched it though. :) I just found it all a little...dull. To be honest, that's mostly a criticism of the miniseries, which prejudiced me...
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    Re: BADWOLF Curious to see what happens...whether the Dalek's "escaped", or were "recreated"... Lots of theories tying Adam into that, somehow. Another possibility is that they were never destroyed...the Time War as the Doctor remembers it maybe never really happened... but that would mean...
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    Re: BADWOLF Nope, that's new to this series... VB
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    Re: BADWOLF My guess is that "bad Wolf" may be referring to: SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE PREVIEW FOR "BAD WOLF"... The Daleks. It seems they weren't wiped out after all...and we all know Who's afraid of the big bad wolf... I've been looking at the who is doctor who site too, there...
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    Re: BADWOLF Oh, and go to the "Disclaimer" part of the web site, then highlight the bottom (under "THE BAD WOLF IS NOT REAL".) :) I love conspiracies... VB
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    Re: BADWOLF You did see the preview for next week's episode, right? :eek:
  11. V

    Sin City

    Woah! Now *there*'s a film I can get behind. :D Caught this on a preview yesterday, and it exceeded my expectations. Since my expectations were already very high, that's even more impressive. :cool: Loved the look, the style, the pacing, the performances, and the super-stylised visuals. I...
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    New George R R Martin book...

    Yep, but until the next book is in my hands I'm pretending like they don't even exist. Less chance to be disappointed... :) VB
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    'Time's' 100 greatest movies of all time

    Re: \'Time\'s\' 100 greatest movies of all time I've seen 38, which surprised me, to be honest, considering how many of them I thought either "I've never got around to watching that" or "I've never even HEARD of that?!". Some odd ones though. The Fly? I mean...I enjoyed it but I certainly...
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    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) Here are my thoughts, having just seen it. In one word, three letters, one syllable, I thought "meh...". :) To wax more lyrical, I'd say this: "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." ;) No spoilers below, save what should be known to...
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    "Prequels Actually Better Reviewed Than Originals"

    Re: \"Prequels Actually Better Reviewed Than Origin I'm with you on that one; ever since Traffic got 5stars and armfuls of Oscars, I've distrusted any other reviewer instinctively. :D The thing with the SW prequels is this; most of the reviews (by reviewers) that I've read (admitedly they...
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    Serenity Trailer!

    it's only a little box, wont take up much space at all... :)
  17. V

    "Brit"- comment from JMS

    Re: Racist comment from jms I agree; not saying he's a monster, just saying he's not an angel. :) Equally, not saying either person's comments are completely untrue, just that they are generalisations. :) VB
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    "Brit"- comment from JMS

    Re: Racist comment from jms To be honest, I'm less concerned with the "racist" comment, than JMS' generalisations about Britain and British culture. It could be he's trying to be ironic, but the quotations PH's that he cited regarding Americans are of a similar level of generalisation as JMS'...
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    Kingdom of Heaven

    Yes. :)
  20. V

    Kingdom of Heaven

    Ah, well my disdain of Movie critics has reached the point where, If I'm swithering over a movie, and it gets bad reviews, I'm actually more likely to go see, to make my own mind up! :) Of course, if I think it looks bad AND it gets bad reviews, well that's a different matter (XXX2 - I'm...