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  1. V

    Star Trek movie news

    That's what I was thinking. I could easily see the Federation morphing into something like the Culture. VB
  2. V

    Bourne Ultimatum?

    Excellent; that all sounds positive. So cautious optimism would be most prudent, then? :) Have you guys read the books? I'm thinking of reading them as this summer's light reading. VB
  3. V

    Bourne Ultimatum?

    So having had my fingers burned in expectation over TMoS, i thought I'd field this one to the peeps around here who might know a bit more about the biz... I read today that they've "announced" The Bourne Ultimatum, based on the third in Ludlum's trilogy. Now, as far as I can see, all discussion...
  4. V

    Star Trek movie news

    I'm sure that another pre Trek incarnation is not a good idea. :rolleyes: It really does blow my mind, sometimes, how stupid these people can be. Nobody, anywhere, thinks this will be a good idea except in their little bubble. There are so many good, science fiction, stories that could be told...
  5. V

    Hands up who loves Carnivàle [now with spoilers]

    Re: Hands up who loves Carnivàle Unfortunately the channel they are showing it on over here isn't on my Cable network, so no Carnivale for me. :( But I've heard good things about it; good enough to probably pick it up on DVD if it hasn't hit terestial by then.
  6. V

    R2 B5 Releases

    Well I think we knew that! Never mind; multi-region will set you free... ;)
  7. V

    R2 B5 Releases

    Well, I contacted Warner Home Video by email about this. I sent them this: To which they somewhat oddly replied with this message: I gave them the benefit of the doubt and went there, in case there was a product announcement banner, or a note on B5S2 in their catalogue. There wasn't. So...
  8. V

    The SF Book thread

    Yeah he's a little odd. I really like...it's either "Consider Phlebas" or "look to Windward"... it has this brilliant prologue describing a war being fought somewhere, you totally empathise with the characters. Then the novel starts, and after a while you encounter one of those characters...
  9. V

    The SF Book thread

    Iain M Banks is my main Scifi author of choice at the minute. Took me a bit to get into (I must have started Excession about 4 or 5 times) but once I did, it's just brilliant, gripping stuff. Plus it's always good to go back to the classics; just reread The Time Machine recently, not to mention...
  10. V

    Smallville (How many have fallen for their scam?)

    Re: Smallville (How many have fallen for their sca Yeah, that was my initial reaction too. "The Flash isn't called...oh, wait." :) And they name checked the other Flashes with his fake ID's too. I should mention that the other reason I watch it (and Point Pleasant for the same reason) is...
  11. V

    The advantage of no more B5

    I think that's a damned fine point GKE. It's not big enough to get major kudos, and not small enough to get ignored. Plus it has storylines which require a little thought, and characters/situations which require you to suspend disbelief. (Centauri hair-pieces I'm looking at you! ;)) Whereas I...
  12. V

    Smallville (How many have fallen for their scam?)

    Re: Smallville (How many have fallen for their sca Erm, just to call you on this one; Bart Allen, aka "Impulse" is actually a separate character, Barry Allen's grandson. :)Click here for details. As to the show in general, I like it. There's still a little of the gurney-gurney teen soap guff...
  13. V

    R2 B5 Releases

    Re: Corps is Mother Corps is Father intro I haven't picked up S5 yet; I think I'll preemptively email to ask them about it. If I don't get a response by end of March (sweet, sweet annual bonus) I'll buy R1 instead. Forewarned is forearmed! :) VB
  14. V

    Just saw season finale of Jeremiah.. I am in awe

    My main thought is..."I wish they'd show Season 2 in the UK..." :(
  15. V

    Alexander Trailer

    Well the other project is from Baz "moulin Rouge" Luhrman, and I believe they have mentioned they wont be shying away from the issue either.
  16. V

    Alexander Trailer

    Click here to experience Greatness... This trailer hasn't overwhelmed me, but it has intrigued me. And I think that's a good thing, IMHO; there's been a lot of films recently which, while good, have not been as exciting as the trailers suggested. This looks, to me, like the film I've been...
  17. V


    Of course, the Horse isn't in the Iliad: it ends with Priam getting Hektor's body back from Achilleus. VB
  18. V

    Van Helsing

    When we went to see Underworld (me and about 8 mates), there were three people (2 guys, 1 girl) sitting a few seats along from us. To be discrete about it, they "had intimate relations", all three apparently, after a fashion. Pretty quietly, as only two of my mates, who were sitting closest...
  19. V


    Actually, there's more distance than that...Homer was an Oral poet: he composed the Iliad centuries after the supposed War: hence all the details which are contemporary to homer, not the Mycenean period. Then, the Iliad existed orally for another 2-300 years, before being written down for the...
  20. V


    Well< I loved it, but you know what: based on the VH thread, I'm not even going to get into it. :) VB