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  1. V

    Van Helsing

    My gut instinct is that they were planting that for the sequel(s). :) VB
  2. V

    Just how similar are DS9 and B5?

    Yeah, there are definite similarities...and I don;t think it's a coincidence that the Trek show most like B5, with a long, complicated Arc (even if it was unplanned), 3D characters, and characters who, unlike most Trek characters, actually change and develop as the show goes on...is also...
  3. V

    Van Helsing

    He does have a "The Penguin" vibe to him... :) VB
  4. V

    Van Helsing

    Sorry if I've come across like that: I wasn't trying to (and I realise it's probably not directed at me)... I agree with you completely there, but I equally don't like being judged/told I shouldn't watch the occasional low-brow brainless film, as if I owe myself better. Again, not aimed at...
  5. V

    Van Helsing

    Well, I wouldn't say it makes no sense at all... It's a cheesey, OTT world, in which ridiculous things can happen (see Miss Beckinsale's outrageous catch in mid air, while swinging 100s of feet through the air). But it does make sense within itself; it's rules are internally consistent. Her...
  6. V

    RIDDICK: Shiny New Trailer!

    Quote of the day... :) VB
  7. V

    Van Helsing

    I can see your point, but I can't really agree... Is X-Men better than Van Helsing? Probably, but I ejoyed them equally, in different ways...I enjoyed the X-Men in that I related to the characters, and the mutant situation as political metaphor. I actually didn't like X-2; I thought it was a...
  8. V

    Van Helsing

    Well, I can't speak for everyone, but for me, sometimes it's good to watch a flashy, empty movie. Sometimes I don't want to invest myself in an Epic like LotR (which I do absolutely love!)...sometimes I want to just sit back, disengage my brain and have fun. It's like eating... when you eat...
  9. V

    RIDDICK: Shiny New Trailer!

    I'll junp on the kicking EH bandwagon: didn't like it at all, but then it was a gore/horror film in space, not scifi. :( I guess a lot of how you react to a film is your expectations...like I know a lot of people expected Solaris to be a big SF film with lots of SFX and maybe a bit of...
  10. V

    Van Helsing

    Ah yes, but then the danger is, if you like the DVD and want to buy it, you've just wasted £3.50... :) VB.
  11. V

    Van Helsing

    yeah, sorry I meant in a pub/bar/club, not an offy. (Off Licence = Liquor Store) In cheap pubs, a pint of beer will cost you from £1.80-£2.50. In clubs/trendy bars...even more. A pint of Hoegaarden (lovely stuff) can cost upwards of £4.50.
  12. V

    Any news?

    Still nothing doing in the uK either. :( VB
  13. V

    Van Helsing

    OK, I don't mean to be insulting...but "not worth wasting Cinema money on"? How much does the cinema cost over there? Over here it's about a fiver (£5 = $8.88), or less if, like me, you're a student. That's less than 2 pints for crying out loud! I'm not meaning this as an attack on...
  14. V

    Van Helsing

    Actually...I thoroughly enjoyed it, because I went into it expecvting what I got. It's a brainless action/comedy...it's like the Mummy/Mummy Returns, but with Dracula/Wolfy/Franky instead. If you like Sommer's earlier stuff, you'll like it. If you don't; you wont. It is both camp, cheesey...
  15. V

    RIDDICK: Shiny New Trailer!

    Yeah, it's a sort of sequel...in that it has the same central character, plus 2 peripheral characters from PB, and its set a few years after. Buuuuut, you don't need to have seen PB to enjoy it. For all that Riddick was "the man" in terms of PB, he's not the only character in it: it was a...
  16. V

    Aiming Weapon Systems

    Well, I haven't seen this (as they showed it on the Movie channel over here, not Sci Fi), but as a concept it kinda makes sense to me for the warrior caste to develop a method of firing/targetting which is based on their traditional methods of H2H fighting. Just seems to fit, thematically...
  17. V

    RIDDICK: Shiny New Trailer!

    Well, I was looking forward to this.... But now?... I'm REEEEEEEEEEALLY looking forward to it! Click here for the new Riddick Trailer! Enjoy, VB.
  18. V

    S5 R1 Sound problem

    It might be worth checking its not on surround sound. I have that problem with some PS2 stuff, they default on to surround sound, which I don't have, so half the dialogue's inaudible. VB
  19. V

    A Firefly question (spoilers)

    See, I always just assumed it was because she knew he was going to sell them out. But since he would come good in the end, she only hurt him a little.
  20. V

    A Firefly question (spoilers)

    Yeah, blue Sun were going to be like the Weyland-Yutani company in the Aliens films; omnipresent, and behind most industries. There was the thematic link of "Blue Sun" and "hands of blue" too.