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  1. V

    B5 & Firefly: Taking a Financial Risk?

    And it's worth noting that it made that money despite getting panned by critics and criticised by fans. Plus, I guess films like LOTR, Minority Report etc have shown that Studios can do big budget, non "mainstream" movies and turn a profit. there's a lot of similarly "risky" (in 80's/90's...
  2. V

    King Arthur

    The best bit about first knight is how awful Shir Shean is. there's this big build up about arthuer, then you see him, the long walk with the torches and everything, then his first line is full of so many "sh" sounds, it's like he's his own caricature or something. ;) VB
  3. V


    I'm also pretty sure Joss mentioned in an interview somewhere that he'd like to give David a role...in journalism/rumour land, that means the deal must be signed, obviously. :) I just watched the first two commentary episodes (Serenity and the Train Job) yesterday...man I love this show. :) VB
  4. V

    King Arthur

    I think it would have been best if they'd kept the "Richard Gere" angle out of it. :) VB
  5. V


    I think it's most like your man Brendon said "oh Brother" under his breath, when he realised he'd said more than he should. :) VB
  6. V


    The more I think on't, the more I seem to recall Joss Whedon saying he'd like to do it, but it wassn't signed yet. Can't think where I read it though, most likely SFX or Sci-fi Wire.
  7. V


    Yeah, please do. :) And make sure you tell him how good firefly is. :) VB
  8. V


    Yeah...good as he is, I think it would be a mistake to make him, for example, the central bad-guy. It might be too hard to make him look "not Angel", if you know what I mean. Maybe have him as a sort of fixer type, like Badger / Miska...only please don't let him try and sound Oirish again, Oi...
  9. V


    That would be good, he's a decent actor. Plus it would be returning the favour, since Gina was in Angel, and Nathan F in Buffy... :) VB
  10. V

    Still lovin' it

    Re: Still lovin\' it Yup, B5 was the only series I even bothered buying on DVD, though I still have piles of movies. Firefly is right up there for me too; may even have displaced B5 for the top spot, though it is yet to stand the test of time... VB
  11. V


    So, as well as my B5 S4 DVD, I got the Firefly DVD too, and I just watched them all, over 3 or 4 days. I have to say, I forgot how much I liked this show, there literally wasn't a single moment, in a single episode where I was bored, or irritated, or even thought "I'd have done that...
  12. V

    The Illusion of Truth

    Maybe I'm being Naive in thinking he was terying to warn Sheridan despite the constraints. Must be cos I'm getting old... ;) VB
  13. V

    King Arthur

    I didn't notice any plate mail...most of the armour looked roman-esque.
  14. V

    The Illusion of Truth

    OK, so I'm working my way through my S4 DVDs, and I just watched this episode again. I've always been puzzled by this episode...it seemed to me very similar to Season Two's "And Now for a Word" and I wondered why the ever pragmatic JMS would "waste" an episode in such a way, especially in the...
  15. V

    Woo hoo - finally S4 DVD arrives in the UK!

    Who'd you order it through? I used Play.com, and got it on Saturday. I got my Firefly DVD (also released Monday) last Friday! VB
  16. V

    King Arthur

    yeah, it's going with the idea that he was a Celto-romanic briton, shortly after the Roman's left Britain. If the legends are based on a real individual, then conventional wisdom would have him being a chieftain, or war-leader at that time. What makes it funny, is its Jerry Bruckheimer...
  17. V

    JMS interview at IGN

    Actually, if you check the thread below this one (the one that started about the lucky folks stateside who have their R1 S5 DVDs) a few of us have been bemoaning the change. It's flmisier IMHO, and certainly makes my DVD shelf less pretty. :( VB
  18. V

    Well, . . Got my Season 5 dvd. . .

    It says complete 4th Season on the side. It could be my imagination, but the picture quality doesn't seem very good either...a little out of focus at times? I'd be interested to hear if anyone else who gets the R2 S4 thinks the same? VB
  19. V

    Well, . . Got my Season 5 dvd. . .

    Re: Well, . . I got MY Season 4 dvd. . . I was just about to post that...I got my R2 Season 4 today. (R2S4...sounds familiar... ;) ) The packaging is different and, IMHO, significantly inferior. Rather than one folding box containing all six DVD's and the booklet, which fitted into a sturdy...
  20. V

    Rotational Gravity (or not) in the movie 2010

    Well that scuppers that theory! :) VB