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Search results

  1. F

    Anyone know were...

    I used to work for a bank and when people wanted customized checks we would send them to: http://www.checksyourway.com/ You can put your own photos and such on them. Take care, -Tim
  2. F

    B5:IFH - New Screenshots

    This looks fantastic. Keep up the great work, I can't wait to play the game! -Tim
  3. F

    Little Markab Girl

    It looks like she's been hanging with the Olsen twins, then some TV work: http://us.imdb.com/Name?Secrist,+Bluejean+Ashley http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/PersonDetail/personid-33400 -Tim
  4. F

    SCIFI/COM Crusade Main Page - Question

    That's Nelson - HA HA! -Tim
  5. F

    B5 Movies

    Season 3 will be released August 12th with Season 4 supposedly following in November / December. They've accelerated the release schedule after WB was "stunned" by how well S1 sold. -Tim
  6. F

    B5 Movies

    Season 3 will be released August 12th with Season 4 supposedly following in November / December. They've accelerated the release schedule after WB was "stunned" by how well S1 sold. -Tim
  7. F

    TNT's Crusade Promos - How Off-Base Were They?

    Re: TNT\'s Crusade Promos - How Off-Base Were They? Great job Kosh - they really were WAY off base. Although I like the screencaps and Eilerson better! hehehe -Tim
  8. F

    TNT's Crusade Promos - How Off-Base Were They?

    Re: TNT\'s Crusade Promos - How Off-Base Were They? Great job Kosh - they really were WAY off base. Although I like the screencaps and Eilerson better! hehehe -Tim
  9. F

    Crusade DVD cover fan-art challenge

    I hear ya! ;-) Tone of voice doesn't come through too well in this online thang. ;-)
  10. F

    Crusade DVD cover fan-art challenge

    I hear ya! ;-) Tone of voice doesn't come through too well in this online thang. ;-)
  11. F

    Ardwight Chamberlain - Kosh is writing again!

    Yeah, I looked him up and noticed that. Its amazing how many cross references you can come up with Bab. Start my Harlan. Continue to Bruce. (even ignoring his Danielle Steele connections.) Then do Tron. Forget even trying to figure out Anime connections. Just thank G'Quan for one thing...
  12. F

    Ardwight Chamberlain - Kosh is writing again!

    Yeah, I looked him up and noticed that. Its amazing how many cross references you can come up with Bab. Start my Harlan. Continue to Bruce. (even ignoring his Danielle Steele connections.) Then do Tron. Forget even trying to figure out Anime connections. Just thank G'Quan for one thing...
  13. F

    Crusade DVD cover fan-art challenge

    First, everyone who has submitted something has done better than me. Second, *love* the topic and challenge. Third is my complaint: WHY is everyone copying one of the three B5 seasons covers? I love the work done so far, but lets face it - TRY SOMETHING NEW! BTW, Mac my man, I know you love...
  14. F

    Crusade DVD cover fan-art challenge

    First, everyone who has submitted something has done better than me. Second, *love* the topic and challenge. Third is my complaint: WHY is everyone copying one of the three B5 seasons covers? I love the work done so far, but lets face it - TRY SOMETHING NEW! BTW, Mac my man, I know you love...
  15. F

    Vorlons and jamming Shadow vessels

    I've always thought that a thousand years ago, the Minbari were pretty much the equivalent to the war that the Drazi were circa ~ 2260. The point of the never ending war was the on going building up - and, tearing down - of all the lower races. While a "most evolved race" must have always been...
  16. F

    Vorlons and jamming Shadow vessels

    I've always thought that a thousand years ago, the Minbari were pretty much the equivalent to the war that the Drazi were circa ~ 2260. The point of the never ending war was the on going building up - and, tearing down - of all the lower races. While a "most evolved race" must have always been...
  17. F

    Rocks in my Head

    I applaud you as the new winner of my "Get a Grip" Bab-5 trophy. And I thought I had the the trophy wrapped up earlier today with my comments on Ardwight C... Kosh! -Tim
  18. F

    Rocks in my Head

    I applaud you as the new winner of my "Get a Grip" Bab-5 trophy. And I thought I had the the trophy wrapped up earlier today with my comments on Ardwight C... Kosh! -Tim
  19. F

    R2 Season 2 DVD on Monday!

    Maybe this is France's revenge on the UK for Blair supporting Bush in that recent little war thing... although I figured they'd go after R1 releases, what with that American nonsense of calling French Fries (chips) "Freedom Fries." I was about ready to "freedom kiss" my girlfriend after a date...
  20. F

    R2 Season 2 DVD on Monday!

    Maybe this is France's revenge on the UK for Blair supporting Bush in that recent little war thing... although I figured they'd go after R1 releases, what with that American nonsense of calling French Fries (chips) "Freedom Fries." I was about ready to "freedom kiss" my girlfriend after a date...