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Search results

  1. F

    Babylon 5: TMOS - What I Don't Want To See...

    Re: Babylon 5: TMOS - What I Don\'t Want To See... CE, Nick Mayer is definitely the best suggestion I've heard so far. Star Trek II and VI were far and away the best out of the 10 films, IMHO. He also helped out as a writer with IV, which was a fun one as well. Imagine how much he and JMS...
  2. F

    Babylon 5: TMOS - What I Don't Want To See...

    Re: Babylon 5: TMOS - What I Don\'t Want To See... The best of both worlds can be achieved. Just look at Star Trek 2. Both Star Trek die-hards and casual fans typically agree that this is the best Star Trek film even made. It is so well known, in fact, that it is a running joke quoted...
  3. F

    Claudia's new scifi Britcom

    Re: Claudia\'s new scifi Britcom The press release also said filming in Spring (now) and Summer (soon) for an Autumn release. I doubt TMoS would start filming or whatever until late summer at least if it hasn't even been announced yet. -Tim
  4. F

    B5 Movie Rumor Finally Hits Aint it Cool News

    I'd highly recommend staying away. Aint-It-Cool ain't what it was, and even when it was what it was, it wasn't all that pretty. They're television converage is now completely pathetic; there's more coverage of dead shows (Buffy, Firefly) than running shows (Alias, for example). No insite is...
  5. F

    Redemption 05

    Wow! Bristol is my UK home town, Grandma lives in Brentry, right next to Henbury, and I'll be there then! What are the chances of that... I'm glad I asked! Hopefully I'll be there with my better half. Thanks so much for the link! Peter Jurasik and Robert Llewellyn, its like a dream come true...
  6. F

    Redemption 05

    D'oh! :kicking self: You mean they still haven't got that bending time thing down over there either? :-) -Tim
  7. F

    Redemption 05

    I'm coming to the UK for the first two months of July; can any of you fine folks from the other side of the pond let me know if there are any cool events / cons during that timeframe? Probably a long shot, but who knows? Thanks, -Tim
  8. F

    Middle of January my a$$

    "The the fullness of time, Mr. Garibaldi." "Patience is also a weapon when use correctly." UGH, yeah, I'm getting more and more anxious too. Checking this site and JMSnews about 5 times a day... -Tim
  9. F

    RIP Paul Winfield, General Franklin

    Paul Winfield has passed away, who played General Franklin. http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/Movies/03/09/obit.winfield.ap/index.html General Franklin was one of my absolute favorite one episode characters, and I thought Winfield was AWESOME in the role. Regards, -Tim
  10. F

    Miscellaneous Aliens

    Okay Kaleb, I give up - what is your Avatar picture of? I can't make it out! -Tim
  11. F

    Vote for Babylon as best tv show of all time

    Another thing - Band of Brothers (which was EXCELLENT) was a 10-part one time mini-series on HBO... how does that count as a show? Seems out of place with the others on the list. :-) -Tim
  12. F

    Vote for Babylon as best tv show of all time

    Bab-5 is currently strong at #3... behind Twin Peaks at #1 (a surprise for me, for sure... but pleasant surprise!). I only could bring myself to vote for B5 since Cop Rock and Jerry Springer Show were not on the list... :-) -Tim
  13. F

    Miscellaneous Aliens

    I've always thought about it like car manufacturers... many mass transit companies here in the US buy from Japanese companies because, frankly, they're better than the US made ones. The Vree-designed ships may be used by the Llort, and the Drazi, who are great fighters, may sell ships to the...
  14. F


    I realize it isn't canon, but in the book Voices (I think it was Voices) there was actually a cool part where Kosh continues his "playing" with Talia as an extension of Deathwalker. <minor spoilers> Where he had Talia scan Abbut and find nothing, Kosh had Talia (while in a jail cell, IIRC)...
  15. F

    B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) objects

    Re: B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) obj I checked the link before reading that is was a time stablizer, and the first thing I thought was, "Great! I can buy spoo!" -Tim
  16. F

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. I'll attempt to get this back on topic... kind of. First off, my favorite Bab-5 moments where characters are "off-topic" are Sheridan and Garibaldi in the bathroom in Divided Loyalties talking about trees... when the Pak'Ma'Ra comes out of the methane toilet and...
  17. F


    Elizar was the sweetest, most lovable character in the B5 universe. So soft, cuddling, with a great sense of humour! <holding in laughter> -Tim
  18. F

    WHV DVD Chat (Monday, March 8)

    This is a good chance to let them know how much we care. If it turns into a B5 dominated chat... hehehe... they make take a little more notice. Every bit counts! Of course, adhere to all of the typical "politeness" rules. -Tim
  19. F

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. I used to use "guys" as a gender neutral term as well, but after some female friends complained I switched to "How are you doing, guys and guyettes!" It gets a laugh instead of a snarl. I also do "Yo amigos and amigoettes" which is even sillier. Why I felt...
  20. F


    Just to add my 2 cents, I always thought the technomages were supposed to come off as a bit pompous. If you were a member of the most punk rock, hard core group of younger beings in the galaxy, I think it might go to your head too. I really enjoyed Galen's arrogance... such as his calling...