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  1. F

    Ha! Peter DeLuise

    You're right, of course - production numbers. :-) I don't know how I missed this before! I've been watching "Jump" reruns on a local independent channel here in Philly. Yes, his brother was on the show after everyone else left (Depp, Nguyen, etc). I love the mulleting multicultural gangs on...
  2. F

    Ha! Peter DeLuise

    I just realized that Peter DeLuise directed Jeremiah eps 1.7 and 1.9... This is the same Peter DeLuise who was Johnny Depp's sidekick in 21 Jump Street! -Tim
  3. F

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Susan is a latent lesbian about to come into full bloom.
  4. F

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. You guys are missing the obvious... "Telepath Make Out Session" Oh wait, that was Season 5. I also apologize in advance for calling anyone buddy, I do that to "calm the waters" after lively debate. :-) Regards, -Tim
  5. F

    B5 Advertisements

    They're fun in a camp and kitsch kind of way. On one of my tapes from the original airing, I missed a commercial break, and a Kung Fu The Legend Continues promo kicks in: "On the next exciting episode of Kung Fu: The Legend Continues... Kane is stuck in an elevator!" <cut> No joke. Sounds...
  6. F


    I've always liked to think of the Drakh as not necessarily once race, but possible several. "Drakh" as a term could be thought of, perhaps, as "shadow minions". Then you could have one race, being soldiers, another leading, another as ambassadors... Don't forget the Drakh under the Centauri...
  7. F

    Marcus Cole

    We're getting our friends into it as well... Andrew and Valerie. Val has taken quite a liking to Mr. Cole. In fact, I gave her my 6" Marcus doll and she carries it with her everywhere. Her quote: Aragorn in space. The jokes about her wanting a 9" Marcus have started to fly out of control! ;-)...
  8. F

    January 15th: Awaiting the BIG news!

    Joe, you rational, level header, spoilsport! You had to include the "probably later in that month" part, didn't you? ;-) -Tim
  9. F

    January 15th: Awaiting the BIG news!

    Well, its January 15th, and frankly, I'm very excited. I realize it might not be today, but the *big* news from JMS should be coming soon! Then again, its only 8:38am on the West Coast. Anyone else as excited as I am? ;-) -Tim
  10. F

    So ... any news on the release of S4 in Region 2?

    Huh, I haven't tested R4 yet - only 1-3 as Tower frickin' Records says its "backordered". How can a new release be backordered!? 1-3 were multiregion, however. Sorry for any misleads! BTW, only ordering at Tower and not through the site because of gift certificate related issues. ;-) -Tim
  11. F

    Spotted Claudia and Tracy

    I guess its a good thing Andrea Thompson ain't on Jag anymore. ;-) She and Jerry Doyle would have had some on-screen fireworks. ;-) -Tim
  12. F

    So ... any news on the release of S4 in Region 2?

    I can verify this - all R1 B5 DVD sets thus far have been region free, thus allowing you play the "R1 sets" anywhere. -Tim
  13. F

    Spotted Claudia and Tracy

    I was having lesbian fantasies when reading the title to this thread. ;-) Then again, I have issues... er, make that a subscription. <grin> -Tim
  14. F

    "To Dream..." taken off bookshelves

    Re: \"To Dream...\" taken off bookshelves Thanks for the tip - although I now have all the books. ;-) It always nice to know somewhere where you can speak "the language" locally with people. I live in Roxborough and work in Plymouth Meeting so KoP isn't too far away... although I do generally...
  15. F

    Ain't-It-Cool-News at it again - hooray!

    Ain\'t-It-Cool-News at it again - hooray! This time, its Harry, not Moriarty showering praise on B5. http://www.aint-it-cool.com/display.cgi?id=16732 Its at the top of his list for DVDs to buy in January! For a guy who refuses to watch TV for the most part, this is pretty high praise, even...
  16. F

    "To Dream..." taken off bookshelves

    Re: \"To Dream...\" taken off bookshelves This really doesn't surprised me, but it is unfortunate. B5 has a very tech savvy audience, for the most part, that would be more likely to buy online. I can't tell you the last time I've gone to a bookstore. I enjoy obscure books, B5 included, and...
  17. F

    Babylon 5 "I've Found Her" is ready for download

    Re: Babylon 5 \"I\'ve Found Her\" is ready for downlo You can be sued for JUST ABOUT ANYTHING. Anyone can sue anyone in the USA, even if a general release has been signed! Winning is another matter, but often, the goal isn't to win but to settle or outlast. Trust me. -Tim -Tim
  18. F

    the ORIGINAL Gathering - I've Found Her!

    Re: the ORIGINAL Gathering - I\'ve Found Her! I'm working on it. I've gotten it to my TiVo but tyStudio is having problems transferring to MPEG. The first 1/3 is complete. I'll keep people in the loop on the rest. Regards, -Tim
  19. F

    Messages from Earth

    I also took Sheridan's statement is S2, E1 to mean Minbari FIGHTERS. I believe his statement is "We could never lock onto their fighters." Ships bigger than a fighter may have been a different story, although during the E-M war, you'd probably be dead by the time you got a lock-on a Sharlin. ;-)...
  20. F

    the ORIGINAL Gathering - I've Found Her!

    Re: the ORIGINAL Gathering - I\'ve Found Her! Sorry to reply to my own post - but I'm really not... There are political ads on this tape as well. Hilarious. I may make an outtake DVD with nothing but the commercials on this tape to distribute. (note to JoeD: is that illegal? I know they're...