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  1. F

    the ORIGINAL Gathering - I've Found Her!

    the ORIGINAL Gathering - I\'ve Found Her! The better half (let me rephrase - the MUCH better half) had me cleaning tonight. That normally doesn't make me resort to caps instead of well spoken English, even if I am on the wrong side of the pond... color? colour? Either way, in doing my bit...
  2. F

    S5 Region 1 Release Date! (Plus specs and art)

    Re: S5 Region 1 Release Date? I'm hoping this is true - extend every scene without Byron in it in the first half, and shorten his stuff, and cut the "We Will All Come Together in the End" song. However, it doesn't sound like anything they've done thus far. I think they'll probably rid...
  3. F

    Short and Sweet, the latest tidbit found...

    Re: What about Direct to DVD? In reading this thread, and the recent posts about a possible feature film... can any one else think of another sci fi franchise in history that was running in odd syndication deals when they decided to make a major motion picture... that then revamped the...
  4. F

    b5 ringtone

    Hey Mac, I use notlame on my Linux box for doing text to speech. Its free, open-source. Here's the windows version: http://winlame.sourceforge.net That should do the trick. ;-) Enjoy! -Tim
  5. F

    Big B5 update from jms!!!

    I can't believe I've never seen your car - I'm a Philly boy myself! It looks fantastic. It was nice to see all the shots in Philadelphia. Check out www.PhillyMusic.com some time - its my baby. ;-) -Tim
  6. F

    Multi-Role Actors

    Drakh backwards, phoenetically, it "card", and Sheridan refers to them as "wild-cards" in "Lines of Communication". More useless trivia, -Tim
  7. F

    Multi-Role Actors

    The Narn is question Wayne Alexander played was one of G'Kar's "mafia Narns" in "And the Rock Cried Out..." That Refa scene (you know what I'm talking about) is still one of my favorite B5 moments. ;-) Kim Strauss, who played one of the two Drazi leaders (I forget whether purple or green) in...
  8. F

    Sean Astin Interview at SciFi Wire

    A very nice interview - I wonder when it was done, as Astin doesn't seem to know about JMS not staying on if / when S3 happens. -Tim
  9. F

    Got My R2 Season 3 DVD

    I'd recommend just getting the R1 versions. They're actually multi-region (R1,R2,R3,R4) so you'll be able to play them, and they seem to work fairly well. I haven't had any scratch problems (crossing fingers for S4!). -Tim
  10. F

    Season Two Interruption

    As long as S2 resumes, I don't mind the break. Showtime is getting cancelled for a while at least... cheaper bills! -Tim
  11. F

    Different characters saying the same thing...

    For those of us watching Jeremiah, there have been a LOT of quotes that have directly mirrored B5 quotes, almost word for word. -Tim
  12. F

    Jeremiah comics

    It is based on the comic, very loosely. Here's a link that should be helpful: http://www.hermannhuppen.com/intro_english.php3 -Tim
  13. F

    B5 calendar

    I think they've been discontinued. I've kept mine from a couple years ago so I can re-use them in a few years. ;-) -Tim
  14. F

    New fans, new finding... I love Kosh.

    Wow, I almost typed "I love Josh" instead of the title of this post. Laugh it up at my expense. Anyways, I'm converting two more friends (I've discovered couples convert easily since I'm well spoken for) to Bab universe. We just finished "Fall of Night" - it still tickles me in that funny area...
  15. F

    jeremiah newbie

    A couple of the first season ones are somewhat weak. Firewall and Tripwire are really the equivalents of "Signs and Portents" and "Chrysalis", if you want a comparison. Overall, a very good season. Season 2 has started off with a bang as well. -Tim
  16. F

    Letters From the Other Side (possible spoilers)

    I really enjoyed part 2. While the battle with VS might be a "stretch", let's not forget, this is science FICTION. I'll always find it amusing - with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, for example - how people will point out one part of one episode that wasn't real. You're watching a show about hot teen...
  17. F

    Letters From the Other Side (possible spoilers)

    Re: Letters From the Other Side (possible spoilers I'd hold off on doing your review until you see LFTOS part 2. I get the feeling there is going to be a lot of payoff in the second half, making the first half even better than it was. -Tim
  18. F

    Season 2 dvd issues

    Also, don't forget to clean your DVD player's laser. You can get cleaners at just about any DVD-rental or purchase place. Most players recommend cleaning every 10-20 hours of viewing time, which might be overkill. However, cleaning has fix quite a bit for me. Also, when I get rentals, they...
  19. F

    Letters From the Other Side (possible spoilers)

    Re: Letters From the Other Side (possible spoilers The B5 music in Walkabout I'm referring to was Franklin's R&B singer girlfriend. The title sequence just made me think "Enterprise." For some reason, I don't like Sci-Fi shows with lyrics in the credit music. I'm glad the theme music for the...
  20. F

    Letters From the Other Side (possible spoilers)

    So what did everyone think? I'm kind of mixed. It moved slowly, and I thought the scenes between Jeremiah and his father felt a bit forced. Overall, the episode was good. That new theme music for the credits was horrible! That reeks of network executives mucking about. It was worse than the...