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Search results

  1. F

    Vir, Founlder, 25 Years Later...

    Animal House came out 25 years ago. Or something Nieremeyer... dead! Okay, so Vir... Flounder?... is an all time crowd favorite... right? Well, he's one of mine. All that Vir and Flounder nonsense aside, Stephen Furst is not only a person to be admired - his battle against his weight aside -...
  2. F

    B5 & DS9 - hand in hand?

    Just a quick question; I've watched all of B5 in every form possible. However, I have not seen anything DS9 on DVD. Are there any Andrew Robinson / Garak bits on the DS9 DVDs, whether extras, commentaries, or anything? Regards, as ever, -Tim Sheridan: And how do you suggest we do that...
  3. F

    B5 & DS9 - hand in hand?

    After I learned that AntonyF was not only a B5 fan - but that he preferred DS9 - my socks were blown off. A new found respect permeated the virtual air. While I'm a DS9 fan, I am in the camp that says "B5 rules... DS9 needs lessons!" While B5 is my "raison d'etre", when it comes to TV, I have...
  4. F

    Convince me

    The most important reason to buy the DVDs remain that the amazing sales figures are opening some eyes at WB, and MAY (and that's a big "may" there) lead to more stories from the B5 universe. Every sale helps... -Tim
  5. F

    Pictures of JMS' Cat, Buddy

    Re: Pictures of JMS\' Cat, Buddy :PSA MODE ON!: If anyone is near Philadelphia and interested in a kitten (or kittens) that look like Buddy - black and white "tuxedo" cats - my better half and I rescued 18 of them from our back yard these past few months. A year ago, four were born in our back...
  6. F

    Sean Astin praises JMS and Jeremiah

    It sounds like Sean Astin is really into his Jeremiah character! Maybe his support will bring Jeremiah back for S3... mixed feelings aside for JMS not wanting to do it, it would be nice to see an end to the story even loosely based on an overall JMS storyline. Here's the link...
  7. F

    WooHooo, Season 3 Arrived Today!

    Where do you order from out of curiosity? -Tim
  8. F

    B5 DVDs on IMDB.com!

    Yeah, I saw that, really cool. Its back to "Chicago" now, but who cares? If you check some of the subpages, there is a huge B5 season 3 banner on them as well... here's one as an example, a pretty nice banner too! http://us.imdb.com/Title?0105946 -Tim
  9. F

    episode where **** died? (spoilers)

    Re: episode where kosh died? Yeah, I often have the same argument about the show being off the air for so long. However, a friend of mine who is now watching for the first time has started reading posts on here... so I had a personal interested in protecting him, as he's currently at "Severed...
  10. F

    episode where **** died? (spoilers)

    Re: episode where kosh died? Can I recommend that you edit the title to not include one of the biggest spoilers of the series? ;-)
  11. F

    Cut line in "Soul mates"

    Re: Cut line in \"Soul mates\" I don't remember that line every being in - just the priceless look on Ivanova's face, then fade to black and credits. -Tim
  12. F

    Feature Film without the original cast??

    That's an interesting idea, FlarnChef. Back when B5 was first airing in the US, my roommate wanted to see an all animated version of the war 1 million years ago without dialog. Vorlons, Shadows, and First Ones, OH MY! -Tim
  13. F

    tv series/movies/comics/books/short stories order

    What you're probably looking for it the Lurker's Guide to B5, what I consider the best reference site on the web. Check it out: http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/ Click on "Episodes", then the sub-category you wish, if other than the TV episodes (novels, comic, etc). -Tim
  14. F

    B5 creator in kitten rescue drama

    Its pretty funny this came out now... my better half and I have rescued 15 kittens over the last couple of months. We have an agricultural school across the street, and last year, a mother had 4 kittens in our back yard. We managed to get one inside, but the others were a little skittish. We...
  15. F

    Let's Play Some Some B5 Did You Know.......

    Re: Let\'s Play Some Some B5 Did You Know....... Yeah, the guy with the web site definitely pillaged more than did research. I've seen these random facts piecemeal from all over the place over the years. If you want research, check out the Lurker's Guide "Crusade" page which has all the...
  16. F

    Feature Film without the original cast??

    I don't think he said that. If I recall, Jerry Doyle at one point says, "I can't believe they cancelled us - we should be going into our... let's see... 10th season now!" The three of them agree at one point, asking why no one has gotten around to making a feature film yet, because they love it...
  17. F

    Favorite B5 reference on other shows etc.

    We actually had a thread on this a while back - and, believe it or not, my friends and I were the ones who got the Bloodhound Gang into Babylon 5 in West Philadelphia back in 1995... before they were huge. The Buffy reference is great, but my favorite is still from Space Ghost: Coast to Coast...
  18. F

    Day of the Dead

    I picked this up as well, but haven't had a chance to read it yet. Its at the top of my reading list, however!
  19. F

    Zagros 7 and the jumpgate

    I always assumed that as soon as they went off the beaten track, they used the same method as during the rescue mission during "A Distant Star" or Ivanova's recovery during "Thirdspace." Keep expanding, dropping off reference points, until you find an appropriate "exit ramp." Cheers, -Tim
  20. F

    Question for those with more computer shopping exp

    I've shopped at Amazon for ages and only ever had one problem, which wasn't their fault. My S1 Simpsons box set had two disc 2s and no disc 3. They sent me a replacement overnight, AND told me to give the bad box set to a friend compliments of Amazon. I've also made tons of purchases at other...