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  1. F

    Dilgar genocide

    It could have been a shot at a Shadow "mignon"... its possible one of the soldiers of darkness could have been escorting the ship. We don't know if they can survive in the vacuum of space. From "The Long Dark", we know they're invisible until fired upon, and in "The Long Dark", after the...
  2. F

    Dilgar genocide

    The thing I love about Jha'Dur and the Dilgar in the storyline is that it shows the shadows were working behind the scenes even with the Minbari, who were basically the Vorlons #1 bitches. Jha'dur being sheltered by the Windswords... "they are the most militant of our clans"... "they came to us...
  3. F

    Mira Furlan update

    It just takes practice. A lot of the stuff I watch is subtitled (old Kung Fu, anime)... my better half has finally gotten used to it and now enjoys them with me. ;-)
  4. F

    Subject Of A New Series

    SCI-FI channel has done it again. Tonight on the *SCI-FI* channel, they're airing "The Flintstones" and "The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas." How damn depressing. -Tim
  5. F

    Truth behind JMS vs. Top Cow

    True geniuses are the hardest to work with! Also, JMS likes to work like a novelist, not a TV guy. B5 is unique in that after it began, WB stopped giving him notes on scripts and such. I've never heard of another program where execs weren't dabbling with the creative talent. JMS may have been a...
  6. F

    Subject Of A New Series

    None of the Crusade actors currently have full time gigs. Gary Cole is doing voices for "Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law". They make about 8 episodes per year, 10 minutes each. That's not much. For a regular series, I'm sure you could get just about all of them back, and at least have guest...
  7. F

    Looking for...

    Its called "Five Years" by Tom Smith. It used to be available on his site as an mp3 but i can't find it. -Tim
  8. F

    Replica PPG's?

    Re: Replica PPG\'s? Not for sale. ;-) Its in the "show to the grand children some day" glass case.
  9. F

    Looking for...

    I used to have this... very funny. I'll do some digging and see if I can find it for you.
  10. F

    Ship of Texas???

    Thanks, I was close on the quote from memory. So, Bush stole the election, Clarke stole Santiago's election. You think Dubya's in with the Shadows? -Tim
  11. F

    Episode Delays

    As for his comment that prices have gone up, that is true in most realms, but definitely not CGI! The cost of better and faster computers is much lower than when B5 was being filmed. For the same cost as B5's CGI, you could do it much cheaper in this day in age, and the hardware and software is...
  12. F

    Replica PPG's?

    Re: Replica PPG\'s? I purchased an actual PPG that was used during Season 4 at a convention - I don't remember the company's name, but it was direct from the company that made the PPG props as well as other B5 universe props, like Dureena's weapons. Cheers, -Tim
  13. F

    Ship of Texas???

    "I'm a ranger." "Well, you're a long way from Texas... and the uniform is all wrong!"
  14. F

    New start date for S2

    In the US, channels can be broken down into the following categories: 1) "air" networks (NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, UPN, WB, independents) 2) public television (PBS) 3) "basic" cable (ESPN, Sci-Fi, TBS, USA, Bravo, etc) 4) "premium" cable (HBO, Showtime, Starz) Channels in categories 1+2 are...
  15. F

    Plot revisions throughout the 5-year arc

    Neroon is the coolest backup plan I've ever heard of. Whether it was intended or not! -Tim
  16. F

    Psi Corps Trilogy (possible spoilers)

    Then again, his post was also before the original Matrix film blew The Phantom Menace out of the water... he may have re-thought the "nothing can compete with Star Wars" statement. Phantom Menace was pretty awful. Attack of the Clones was a big improvement, but still, no movie lasts that long...
  17. F

    Psi Corps Trilogy (possible spoilers)

    Please also remember that this speculation was all from a few years back too - this is *not* new information. I should have specified that in my previous post - sorry if I caused you any confusion! -Tim
  18. F

    the stone that changes Delenn & Sinclair

    Well, them and any that starred in any films with Minbari in Mr. Eilerson's collect. ;-) Snow White and the Seven Narns would put a new spin on the term, "gag reel". -Tim
  19. F

    Small thing I noticed...

    A few off the top of my head: The guards don't say "Get him!" when Zathras gets up in WWE, but they do in Bsquared. You only see Delenn's arm in Bsquared with a maroon robe on. In WWE she's wearing a green dress. Maybe by the time WWE came around, Delenn decided not to wear the robe, changed...
  20. F


    The are 20 episodes in the first season... well, 18 episodes, with the first (The Long Road) and the last (Thing Left Unsaid) being 2 parters. Season 2 of Jeremiah has 15 episodes. -Tim