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  1. R

    A message from Christopher Pike

    Oh yeah, and here's a link to the original (pre-FX) Rangers review from AICN (admittedly prefaced by *another* AICN reviewer who professes not to like B5.) It provides a much more positive take and I dare anyone to fault the reviewer's anonymity http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=9622...
  2. R

    A message from Christopher Pike

    I think it's just hilarious that people are slamming the insider for "violating his moral code' or whatever. If he had posted a positive review we would have all been back-slapping him and saying "Yay Pike! Fight da man!" (Of course, then Knowles would either have not published his review or...
  3. R


    I'm downloading it using wget (command line web downloader...) and at 10% into it using my cable modem, the ETA is 20:47. My guess is the site is pretty bogged, pretty impressive for being the middle hours of the marathon. Wonder if they'll show the trailer at the end of the thon. I'm just...