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  1. G

    Sheridan and the WTC

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> If there is no truth, then why do we have science? Isn't it to discover the way the world works? The very idea of the scientific method is based on the concept that the universe exists and operates in a certain fashion, and...
  2. G

    Sheridan and the WTC

    Truth like feelings is an individualistic and relative thing. To claim that there suc ha thing as objectivity and abosulte truth is "crap" Just kidding. However I do think that objectivity is subjective. FOr example it was thought that the earth was the center of the universe. There was...
  3. G

    Sheridan and the WTC

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Just because we were attacked we must be doing something wrong and we must change. Bull. We were attacked because we represent the modern democratic world that these extremists need to destroy to implement their draconian brand...
  4. G

    Sheridan and the WTC

    A couple of quick points First I did not mean to imply that all war is bad. The point of my post was to point out that often right is a metter of perspective and that our terms of good and evil are relative. Second I agree that we must take action against terrorism, but we alos must reevaluate...
  5. G

    Sheridan and the WTC

    In response to your comments lennier I have a few more thoughts. First thanks for responding in a discussion framework and not simply attacking the thead. On your points, 1. Even if sheridan had no way out, does that justify the destuction of millions of lives. Also the terrorist most likly...
  6. G

    Sheridan and the WTC

    I have a feeling this thread will generate some heat so here goes. I think that there are a few parralles between sheridan destroying the city on zahadum and the terrorist stike against New York. First both the United States and the Shadows bring chaos to the world and support governements that...
  7. G

    hyperspace, what is it?

    I don't remember were I heard this, but I believe the jump gates were built be a coalition of the first ones. An upstart race a while back started conquoring minor races and making war with the vorlons and the like. It wasn't the shadows. I think is was a race that evolved between the first ones...
  8. G

    Worries; young actors, no ads...

    On the young vs old actors conflict. I don't see why it has to be one against the other. WOuld B5 have worked with 20-25 year old actors. Of cource not. 20 year olds do not command space stations or represent governments. It would have been absurd and taken away from the realism of the show...
  9. G

    Rangers and ACtA

    Since Rangers runs through the events of ACtA, do you think the Liandra will be part of those events. Specificly <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> Will the Liandra be part of the fleet that takes on...
  10. G

    If you had to choose....

    I would say go with Rangers. AS It runs into the events of Crusade, it would allow for much of the story to be reaveled. Plus it could even allow for a guest apperance or two by Crusade cast member. After Rangers run, perhapse thier could be a stroy that would cover the last part of Crusade...
  11. G

    In LotR will they show the ship G'Kar left b5 in?

    Re: In LotR will they show the ship G\'Kar left b5 in? Given that G'Kar is the most influencial Narn alive it doesn't all that hard for him to get funds. I imagine that his governemtn would be happy to supply him wiht funds and his followers the same. however G'kar may not be willing to take...
  12. G

    Worries; young actors, no ads...

    I have Been reading posts on this board since the iste first went on line, although I have not read nearly enough. I think it is sad that people can't have a discussion without resorting to this kind of behavior, and since when did posting info on boards, or having a discussion turn into a...
  13. G

    Crusades "Fifth" Season-What Would've Happened?

    Re: Crusades \"Fifth\" Season-What Would\'ve Happened? Sorry for the mistake there. I think hte diffrence was a bit more than a diffrent race. I think it was more along the lines the diffrence in certain dog breeds. Wereas there is very little actual diffrences between human races ie skin...
  14. G

    hyperspace, what is it?

    There are parralls to Hyperspace i nthe world of theoretical physics. Hyper tends to refer to things that beyond 3 spacial dimensions. A hyper cube forinstance would have 4 spacial dimensions. Some physists theorize that our universe is a hypersphere. That is a sphere with four spacial...
  15. G

    Crusades "Fifth" Season-What Would've Happened?

    Re: Crusades \"Fifth\" Season-What Would\'ve Happened? Those are defiantly valid points, however Lt. Matheson being a teep would aid in the story. The crew haviong to decside if they are willign to sacrife one of their own to save the rest. I agree that the lack of refrences does not mean that...
  16. G

    In LotR will they show the ship G'Kar left b5 in?

    Re: In LotR will they show the ship G\'Kar left b5 in? Well there was that kid who collected all thouse pepsi points, I think thats what they were, and tried to claim the harrier jet that they were advertising for a million points. Maybe G'kar stumbled across an old Vorlon ship in the smae way...
  17. G

    Crusades "Fifth" Season-What Would've Happened?

    Re: Crusades \"Fifth\" Season-What Would\'ve Happened? Here is an idea. Perhapse the cure for the plague is related to the telepath virus. In Deconstruction of falling stars there is no mention of telephas and the same is true for Sil. I don't remeber if there are any refrence in the Wheel of...
  18. G

    hyperspace, what is it?

    Here is my best understanding of how hyperspace works I most definatly could be way off. First you have to imagine a two dimensional universe, similar to the one in flatland if you have read the book. Then you have to curve that universe into a sphere. The "universe" would be curved but that...
  19. G

    How many Whitestars are there in the ISA Navy?

    My thought on the size of the whitestar fleet is that it is currently around 1000-2000. The reason that we don't see that many at any given time has I think more to do with our tech level, then of stratagy in the series. The amount of time and computer power to render ships is quite enormus and...
  20. G

    How many Whitestars are there in the ISA Navy?

    My thought on the size of the whitestar fleet is that it is currently around 1000-2000. The reason that we don't see that many at any given time has I think more to do with our tech level, then of stratagy in the series. The amount of time and computer power to render ships is quite enormus and...