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Search results

  1. L

    Memory of Shadows and the script books

    And look what has just appeared on eBay... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Babylon-5-Unfilmed-Script-Screenplay-RARE/283223737846?hash=item41f17345f6:g:49YAAOSwCtJaUkOO I wonder how this escaped to be out there?
  2. L

    EpDis: Objects At Rest

    Considering the lengths the series goes to to wrap up the arcs of all the characters, it seems odd how Lennier's fate is largely left unresolved. He runs away in shame. OK, but I need to know what happens to him next! Where does he go and what does he do there? From memory he doesn't play any...
  3. L

    Is it time to give season 5 another chance?

    I've been rewatching the whole series again for the umpteenth time and today I finished Objects At Rest. I really enjoy much of what Season 5 offers, the main one I find a chore to watch is A View from the Gallery (it just feels like cheap filler). The best part of watching Season 5 for me? The...
  4. L

    Into The Fire (Aborted Video Game)

    Yesterday I was listening to the Doctor Who audio drama Invasion of E-Space, which at the end features an interview with cast / writers etc... One of the actresses was Suanne Brown, who is well known in sci-fi circles for playing Hathor in Stargate SG-1. Anyway, the conversation veered towards...
  5. L

    B5 Feature Film to be scriptedTRUE! There will be a feature film going into productio

    If this new movie or series of movies violates what has gone on before, then I will be unhappy. Until we have more details let's not assume the worst. I am still not entirely enamoured with the new Trek films, the whole "sweeping the board clean" approach is on some level quite disrespectful...
  6. L

    B5 Feature Film to be scriptedTRUE! There will be a feature film going into productio

    The idea of sitting in a cinema to watch something related to Babylon 5 seems so fantastical. I cross all my fingers and toes but I think there's a greater chance of the Shadows returning from beyond the rim with baskets of candy and fluffy kittens for everyone. Please let me be wrong! ;)
  7. L

    Select Remastering

    Is Warners HQ a Drahk foothold?
  8. L

    Talia's Fate?

    I've just read the Psi Corps trilogy last month and from what I remember Talia was barely featured (if at all?!). There are some great descriptions of how high rated telepaths can dissect the minds of others, and how they visualise each other's minds when they slice chunks off their victim's...
  9. L

    The Aborted Reboot

    While I see no need for a reboot, I would be quite happy for a new story to be told in the B5 universe. There are after all 20 odd years of B5 until it's decommissioning in SIL. Even after that, who's to say what the major races got up to. I was thinking the other day about this and was...
  10. L

    Season 5: List of grievances

    The biggest cringe moment for me was the cliche of having that mute boy suddenly finding his voice to shout out the danger. Wasn't that No Compromises?
  11. L

    Babylon 5 At Twenty

    Anyone else get this? Mine arrived a week or so ago and it's a beautiful book.
  12. L

    RIP Michael Ansara (Elric)

    Geometry of Shadows is my next episode to watch too. Very sad news. :(
  13. L

    Summoning Light Reprint?

    It's definitely a reprint, as inside the back cover it says: Breinigsville, PA USA 21 June 2010 Other than that there is no indication this is a new print, the initial small print is identical to the original book, it even says "first edition Ballantine Books Edition 2001". I didn't think...
  14. L

    Summoning Light Reprint?

    I noticed recently that Summoning Light had reappeared on eBay cheaply and in stock Amazon.co.uk. As this was the only B5 novel I was missing I ordered it straight away. It arrived today, and I have to say I'm slightly puzzled. It's a bigger size to all the other novels! This won't do my OCD any...
  15. L

    Warner Brothers new Babylon 5 boxsets ?

    I noticed in HMV yesterday they have been reissued again in ultra slim sets (the size of a single amaray DVD case). They must have that hinge thing in the centre holding the discs in place.
  16. L

    JMS Leaves "World War Z"

    J. Michael Straczynski no longer on World War Z After Quantum of Solace director Marc Forster noted recently that the script for the upcoming adaptation of Max Brooks's World War Z wasn't yet at a position where filming could begin, J. Michael Straczynski has confirmed that he is no longer...
  17. L

    Does any tv series / book saga / movie saga achieve B5's plot structure?

    I think an example of a show axed before it had a chance to achieve what it wanted is Dark Skies. That was to have a five year structure and had ambitious plans. The future glimpse in Ancient Future always reminded me of the similar visions that cropped up in B5 every now and then. The series...
  18. L

    WB Possibly thinking Big Screen B5 movie.

    It would be a dream come true if this gets made. I would want to see it made on JMS' terms; what worried me last time (and I guess everyone else) were the recasting rumours. Unless we have the characters we all know and love, it would be a bit pointless. Assuming any of the general public are...
  19. L

    Anyone know what is in this comic?

    I bought this on eBay last year, from memory it was only a few pounds including P&P, certainly no more than £5. It is a lovely, if small, item. :)
  20. L

    The Lost Tales coming to Sky

    I'll expect a furious backlash from people who thought this was a DVD exclusive! It's like the Corrie special videos all over again...! ;)