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  1. L

    Shameless self-promotion

    I'd love the book, but there's no way I can afford that at the moment! :(
  2. L

    New JMS Article

    Probably not much new, but I just found this article published this week: Comic Con Report: J. Michael Straczynski Posted on Monday 22 September 2008 Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski touched upon a wide variety of subjects when he spoke in front of a crowded room at the San...
  3. L

    Crusade: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Re: Crusader: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly I'd read the other comments before, but I just don't know what the say about that rape one... :wtf:
  4. L

    Crusade: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Re: Crusader: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly I'm just starting to watch this again. I watched A Call To Arms on Friday and then War Zone yesterday. I know the history of the network meddling, so I am willing to forgive Crusade a lot of its faults, but there are many. The B5 movie was the...
  5. L

    Problems with original Region 2 DVDs

    I don't think so, unless Warners edited some of it out. From what I remember, what he talks about was in sync with what was on screen. He starts with the 'Hello, this is JMS' bit as soon as the titles start, so it implies that is where he started recording.
  6. L

    Claudia Christian - Baptism Of Fire

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm a bit confused though, you say it's best to wait, but then add that the book isn't likely to be available for long!! If she only has limited stock for sale I can't imagine that they will drop in price at any point.
  7. L

    Problems with original Region 2 DVDs

    I wonder if they will still issue replacements, it always bugs me that the teaser is missing. What I find even more strange is that JMS starts the commentary with the titles, surely he noticed part of the episode was missing?!
  8. L

    Claudia Christian - Baptism Of Fire

    Does anyone own this novel? I've just seen it for sale on Claudia's site. I'm very tempted to get it as I'm bit of a B5 completist, but there is next to no information there about it. What's the page count? Is it hardback or paperback? Most importantly, is it any good? What worries me is JMS put...