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  1. A

    EpDis: The Long Night

    A episode...though I was sorry to see the character of Cartagia go! Great performance Mr. Krimmer.
  2. A

    EpDis: The Summoning

    Big A for me. Totally enjoy the banter between Marcus and Ivanova. Who knew they were French?? Xog what? Xog yes? Xog no? Great stuff!
  3. A

    EpDis: Z'ha'dum

    Re: EpDis: Z\'ha\'dum For some reason I always hear the song Xanadu in my head when I hear/see Z'ha'dum.
  4. A

    EpDis: Shadow Dancing

    Why do I always hear the Andy Gibb song in my head when I think of this episode??
  5. A

    EpDis: And The Rock Cried Out No Hiding Place

    Great ending...great music. Refa got what he deserved, albeit for the incorrect reason. Definite A.
  6. A

    EpDis: Severed Dreams

    True, I agree that it would have been suicidal, but this was the new improved "cocky" Earthforce. I would have expected at least one attempt to call Delenn's bluff.
  7. A

    EpDis: Severed Dreams

    Best of the Best. The look on Corwins face and the tone of his voice when the 2nd set of Earthforce ships arrivals always makes me shiver. And of course, Delenn's rescue speech. Though it did seem a bit unbelievable that all the Earthforce ships left without even testing her. The end scene in...
  8. A

    EpDis: Point Of No Return

    A definite A. I missed this episode during the original run and had to wait til the reruns on TBS. So many good little items along with the big plots...Vir demanding another cloth from Londo...the aforementioned Ta'Lon smirk... Prophesy isn't supposed to be clear and succint
  9. A

    EpDis: Exogenesis

    Slightly below average for B5. I do like the Corwin/Ivanova scenes. I wish Corwin had been given more throughout the series. The parasite story was only OK.
  10. A

    EpDis: Voices Of Authority

    Forgot about the "who knew they were French" comment...priceless. Cheesey? Not in my opinion...just 2 characters acting "nervously".
  11. A

    EpDis: Voices Of Authority

    One of my favorites. So many quotable lines..."I like you, you're trouble".."you're about to go where many men have gone before"... Big A.
  12. A

    EpDis: Convictions

    A solid B only because of the G'Kar- Londo elevator scene and also the placement of the listening device on Sheridan.
  13. A

    EpDis: Comes The Inquisitor

    On 1st viewing I did not care for this episode very much. Not sure why, but I also had the same reaction to Intesections in Real Time. Maybe the dark tone...not sure. After further viewing both have grown on me. Can't include them in my favs list, but a solid "B" ep for me.
  14. A

    EpDis: Divided Loyalties

    all-around solid episode. I liked when all the station staff were paraded in and got "the look". A.
  15. A

    EpDis: GROPOS

    Not one of my favorites either. Really nothing in it to get excited about. The ending is very moving.
  16. A

    EpDis: The Geometry Of Shadows

    Liked all of it...even the green/purple conflice. Another classic line comes near the end when Ivanova grabs the green scarf and the Drazi look befuddled cuz they are unsure if an "alien" can be green leader "rules still tied up in committee". Great line. Was hoping to see more of the...
  17. A

    WHV (UK) have done something right ... at last

    Not all New Yorkers say "axe" - this one doesn't. My dad - on the other hand - always went to the "terlit". Anywat, I think your confusing accents with language and grammar.
  18. A

    Babylon 5 Episodes you Love that others hate ?

    Nothing at all wrong with Intersections in Real Time. A very unique episode. Comes the Inquisitor was never one of my favorites, though I must admit the more I see the more I like it. Grey 17 is just painful - even with the good Marcu-Neroon plot.
  19. A

    Favorite recurring character: All seasons

    Cartagia and the Regent. Great characters and very good actors playing the roles.
  20. A

    Babylon 5 Episodes you Love that others hate ?

    Along with TKO (especially the Ivanova story) I'll add Believers, A View from the Gallery and Soul Mates.