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    Melissa Gilbert on NCIS?

    Kirstie Alley is the Fat Actress. Melissa looked good..a bit older perhaps...but then aren't we all??
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    Melissa Gilbert on NCIS?

    Melissa Gilbert was also on this week's Fat Actress...playing herself.
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    EpDis: The Quality Of Mercy

    One of my favorite season 1 episodes. The Lennier/Londo scenes are priceless - is it getting a bit cold in here? Was also good seeing June "Lassie's Mom" Lockhart again. A good actress that gave a solid performance. Too bad she and Lennier did not have any scene together...even a passing look...
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    Draal on Enterprise

    I always remember John Schuck from the old MacMillan and Wife series (starring Rock Hudson and Susan St. James and Nancy Walker)
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    EpDis: A Voice In The Wilderness Part 1

    Great episode. I love Ivanova's mantra (have it as my windows shut down) and her apology afterwards. It's moments like that that set apart B5 from the other sci-fi out there.
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    EpDis: Eyes

    Not one of my favorite episodes. It is only OK, IMHO. I did like the motorcycle bit. JMS is great at throwing in some "comedy relief".
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    Did ya get any b5 for christmas?

    Got the Crusade DVDs. Haven't had the chance to open the box yet :mad:
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    EpDis: TKO

    I liked the Ivannova plot from the 1st time I saw the episode. Loved the scene in Fresh Air when Susan and her uncle tried to figure out if something (treel??) was kosher!The mutai plot has started to grow on me. A good, not great, episode.
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    Favorite recurring character: All seasons

    tough choice for me between Cartagia and the Regent. Both characters and actors were "perfect". How the heck did Catherine Sakai get on the list.
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    Favorite recurring character: Season 4

    Was close between Cartagia and the Minister, but Cartagia was played so well and was such a nut-job, it had to be him.
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    EpDis: Believers

    Always liked this episode. Interesting dilemna for Stephen and Sinclair. Also has my favorite Kosh quote "the avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote"!
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    EpDis: Deathwalker

    One of my Season 1 favorites as well. Sarah Douglas gave a good performance (as she always does) as Jha'Dur. Na'toth was also in rare form. The B plot was enjoyable as well...would have loved to see Kosh scampering. Was good to see the non-aligned world aliens too. Did we ever see a Vree?? Are...
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    EpDis: The War Prayer

    An average epsiode. I do remember the 1st time seeing it that I was shocked for a moment at Sinclair's treatment of the Abatti ambassador. Didn't the Abatti show up again in Deathwalker?
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    EpDis: The Parliament Of Dreams

    The best season 1 episode so far. The Centauri banquet was great! Loved seeing a Narn wear glasses. :D NaToth was some tuff cookie (a Narn Emma Peele). And the very sensual Mimbari ritual. Great, Great episode.
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    EpDis: Infection

    Not one of the better eipsodes, but I enjoyed seeing David McCallum - a fav of mine since the Man from U.N.C.L.E. days.
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    Sleeping in the light - Did you cry?

    Every time I watch it. The music sets the mood quite nicely, especially when the station is destroyed.
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    Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other peoples needs...very sad life...probably have very sad death...but, at least there is symmetry!
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    "Story Arcs" Series

    Re: \"Story Arcs\" Series and also Hush-a-boom and Whatamatta U! :lol: