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  1. L

    Finally! Official confirmation of 2nd season

    I read a press release today on theonering.net that Sean Astin is going to join the show!! Loburian
  2. L

    Ring of Truth - Rocky or Rocky Horror Picture Show

    This was probably one of the worst written shows I have seen in a long time. Why all the references to modern day life that only fully grown people would probably have done or remembered? How come Jeremiah did not carry food with him when he went for a trip? Survival gear anyone? And why...
  3. L

    Gunnery Pod (spoilers)

    Ok. So, it was a nice idea, that had to be used on the fly. I am glad JMS will try new things. I just think that part of it was very cheesy. I think if the Gunnery person did not have to shoot out of her hands like she did that would be alot better. I did like all the rest of the show and...
  4. L

    the One thing that totally disgusted me...(spoilers)

    Was the way they handled the weapons system. I have never been more mortified from a in my life to see such a stupid idea. I liked the show, but please change the weapons interface so we dont get to watch such silly nonsense! I mean, if this show was a Saturday morning cartoon fine, but come...