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  1. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Yup, that's it: really sorry to have caused offence!!! :o Most BB's I go to show you the whole thread, or at least a few posts, and I always get caught out here when trying to reply to multiple threads at once. My bad. :( Won't happen again miss! ;) VB
  2. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. I think he meant in his personal accent. And I love how OT this has gone. It's something to do while we wait for the Words of the Great Maker. :D VB
  3. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. A fair number of Scots Gaelic speakers prnounce it "gallic", but it's stil Gaelic. Heh, it's all Greek to me!!! :lol: The Gaelic language, as it exists in Scotland, isn't any more native than Scots (derived from Northumbrian OE) or Scottish Standard English...
  4. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Re: Scots...it's interesting, actually, because Scots (not Gaelic) developed independently from English. English developed from Mercian Old English (OE), whilst Scots developed from Northumbrian OE; obviously contact with Gaelic, irish and different strands of...
  5. V

    Bizzare Cameos?

    I caught the Season 4 episode "The Long Night" on cable today, and I was shocked to realise I recognised Ericsson, the Ranger in command of Whitestar 14, who has to sacrifice his crew to trick the Shadows...it was Bryan Cranston, the guy who plays Hal, the father, on Malcolm in the Middle. And...
  6. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Like the jokes. :) Ah, but the key point is "as english is connonly uderstood"...it is only understood to mean that due to the conventions accepted in the history of its development. In some languages (for example Russian, I think) a double negative is still a...
  7. V

    Joe M, a question

    I like it! I like it a lot! :) VB.
  8. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Ah, but that's another example of the mutability of the laws of english morphology, phonology and syntax. There was no precedent for the "double negative" or the "split infinitive" in English. These were rules of Latin which, when English was being standardised in...
  9. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Of course,you shouldn't really let that get to you, as it's happened many times in the history of English. Following the Norman conquest, the contact with French introduced many new loan words, as new lexical items. It also brought morphological change. For...
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    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Hey Dr Nick! :cool:
  11. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Although I'm wary of being prescriptive with language...there is one trans-atlantic one that borrows me. It's not a big deal, it's just an idiomatic lexical item... In britain, if there's something we don't care about, and we want to express that we say "I...
  12. V

    IGN S4 review and why I'm mad

    Re: IGN S4 review and why I\'m mad It's rushed compared to CONVENTIONAL methods of storytelling perhaps. This is a problem with any kind of tradtional, or institutionalised form of criticism, of any media; film, TV, literature... If you judge something by current accepted standards, nothing...
  13. V

    IGN S4 review and why I'm mad

    Re: IGN S4 review and why I\'m mad What;s worse is, after the ill considered, irrelevant nonsense he writes, he ends up saying he loves it, and gives "the show" part of the review 9 out of 10. Just a LITTLE inconsistent. :mad:
  14. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Don't worry...all things being equal, we should have another announcement soon to drag us kicking and screaming back onto topic. :) VB.
  15. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. I think, in a way, Lennier's redemption taking place not by directly helping Delenn could be more powerful. It could be argued that dying whilst helping Delenn may be motivated by a desire to redeem himself in her eyes. While that's not unreasonable, I think it...
  16. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Yeah, I know the B5 license isn't the same as those other Miniseries, I just meant that I think that to do justice to an ensemble cast, the extra time could be useful. But I'm cool with a Theatrical Movie, Miniseries, Tv Series, Straight to DVD (another potential...
  17. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. I agree on the bankability of Koenig: he's no Brad Pitt, but he does have some Sci-Fi clout. Plus, the analogy given earlier with the x-men is a good one; it's a recognisable dynamic, one which non B5-aholics can grasp without difficulty. that being said, I still...
  18. V

    B5 D20

    I have it, but haven't run it, as I, and all my mates, hate the D20 system. (D20 = 20 sided dice, in this context meaning the generic and surprisingly prominent, yet unpopular, system used by Wizards of the Coast). The capaign book thing they did: Fiery Trial, I think it's called, is really...
  19. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Yeah, it's most likely the Movement/Memory of shadows...assuming TMoS is the actual name of the finished product. If it's the initials JMS is using for his work in progress, it could be "Theatrical Movie Original Script". Before I read all this, i was going to...
  20. V

    Steven Furst directs "Dragon Storm"...

    Steven Furst directs \"Dragon Storm\"... There's a story on Sci-fi wire about Steven "Vir" Furst directing the SF Film "Dragon Storm"... Click here for the Sci-fi wire story.... Enjoy! VB