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  1. vacantlook

    EpDis: In The Beginning

    I didn't think the system allowed it, but it looks like it happened. Or at least something happened. On topic, teacake: I too find the defense of Earth in In The Beginning to be a particularly moving moment in Babylon 5. The President's speech, the music, Londo's narration, they're all excellent.
  2. vacantlook

    EpDis: In The Beginning

    Yeah, not quite sure what's going on with that. That second post is not mine.
  3. vacantlook

    Legend of Korra

    They've been more specific about when "next year" that Korra will be coming out: "mid-2012". Also, they've announced that in addition to the original 12 episodes that they've been working on so far, Nickelodeon has now ordered 14 more.
  4. vacantlook

    Legend of Korra

    So, there's going to be a spin-off of Avatar The Last Airbender called Legend of Korra. It'll focus on the titular character Korra, who is the avatar after Aang. We've known it was in production for a while, but some new news has come out over the past couple days. One, it was originally...
  5. vacantlook

    Feb. 22, 1993 - "The Gathering" first aired

    Ooo, I didn't realize that. Yesterday, February 21st, was the 6th anniversary of the first (two) episode(s) broadcast of Avatar The Last Airbender. So, it's neat to know today is the broadcast origin of Babylon 5 too. I remember watching "The Gathering" around about it was originally...
  6. vacantlook

    EpDis: In The Beginning

    If you remember back to "The Gathering", Londo began that with a bit of narration too. It kind of establishing the whole show as being him telling the story to someone. "In The Beginning" now seems to be showing us to whom he was telling it.
  7. vacantlook

    X-Men: First Class trailer

    In terms of a powerful telepath installing their mind in another person's body, they've done it in the comics before. The Ultimate X-Men version of Psylocke transfered her consciousness into a comatose asian chick when her own body was killed in the line of defeating some villain, for example...
  8. vacantlook

    EpDis: The Deconstruction Of Falling Stars

    Sol going nova in the episode is not natural, or at least not normal. The future-human's computer specifically notes that there are "atypical solar emissions". Something very unusual was going on with the sun, whether that be some unusual natural phenomenon or if it was the result of someone...
  9. vacantlook

    A question for warhammer 40k: dawn of war: dark crusade?

    In light of a post having been made based off the word "rangers" that had nothing to do with Babylon 5 the other day too, either this is robotic spam, or yet another person within a week has posted not knowing what Babylon 5 is. I guess I'll move this thread, like I did with that other...
  10. vacantlook

    Tower Prep

    I only watched one episode, partly because I never remembered when it was on and partly because I wasn't really drawn into it. It was ok; there are definitely worse things to watch.
  11. vacantlook

    Pat Tallman making her own show

    Saw Tallman in a late-night rerun of Star Trek TNG last night named "Timescape." She was playing some time-flux alien posing as a Romulan. I knew she had done some Star Trek, but never really kept track of what specifically, so I wasn't expecting her, but I saw her, recognized her through the...
  12. vacantlook

    Matt Smith Dr Who

    I could be misinterpreting the quote, but here's how I understand it. The word "fake" might imply some form of a scam, but that's not how I take the statement. Take for example, if an actor is playing a scene in which another character that their character loves dies. In performing the scene...
  13. vacantlook

    Matt Smith Dr Who

    So, I feel kinda stupid that it took me so long to realize the dude in the Doctor Who A Christmas Carol was Dumbledore. I eventually realized it was him based on his voice, and I talk to my mom all, guess who that is, and she's like, uh, it's him, and I'm like, oh, you already know that, and...
  14. vacantlook

    Favorite Susan Ivanova quote

    "How many?" "Ten?" "Yeah, they'd notice." "Six?" "Go for it."
  15. vacantlook

    Favorite Susan Ivanova quote

    I'm going to put this thread in the B5.world forum, as it's about the show itself. And I love this topic. :D
  16. vacantlook

    EpDis: Endgame

    Really? I'm not up on how the show was tweaked for non-American broadcasts, so I didn't know that. But I think that's really cool. I think B5 has some very excellent episode titles, but this one -- "Endgame" -- was always one that seemed a letdown, for me, as title. "Sons And Daughters Of...
  17. vacantlook


    Every instance I remember of the use of "marsie" was one in which it was being used derrogatorily.
  18. vacantlook

    EpDis: No Surrender, No Retreat

    The earlier statement that you're thinking of might be the "Babylon 5 mantra." "Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is god. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out." It's from season...
  19. vacantlook

    New FX/Old Show

    There is a difference between rerendering and recompositing. Of course they wouldn't do the former. You contradict yourself. Also... There is a very discernable difference between the shots presented in their full clarity widescreen nature and the blurry, non-widescreen, cropped shots...
  20. vacantlook

    New FX/Old Show

    Yup, that's the way I understand it. The idea was to recomposite the CGI and filmed elements, but they ran into a problem when they went to do it. Warner Bros. lost all of the CGI files.