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Search results

  1. F

    Ardwight Chamberlain - Kosh is writing again!

    As you may have guessed, I'm a big Bab-5 fan (duh). However, as you may not have guessed, I am also a huge Aeon Flux and Peter Chung fan. This being the case, I rented the new Peter Chung series, "Reign: The Conqueror" (also known as Alexander) on DVD. Its sort of a crossover style between...
  2. F

    Ardwight Chamberlain - Kosh is writing again!

    As you may have guessed, I'm a big Bab-5 fan (duh). However, as you may not have guessed, I am also a huge Aeon Flux and Peter Chung fan. This being the case, I rented the new Peter Chung series, "Reign: The Conqueror" (also known as Alexander) on DVD. Its sort of a crossover style between...
  3. F

    Amazon.com always good with the Spolier Editorials

    Its pretty much a moot point. Season three aired LONG, LONG ago at this point. I don't know anyone who would be looking to buy Season 3 for the cost of $75+shipping who wasn't already a fairly die hard fan of the show. Many of the people I know who have seen every episode... and many who have...
  4. F

    Amazon.com always good with the Spolier Editorials

    Its pretty much a moot point. Season three aired LONG, LONG ago at this point. I don't know anyone who would be looking to buy Season 3 for the cost of $75+shipping who wasn't already a fairly die hard fan of the show. Many of the people I know who have seen every episode... and many who have...
  5. F

    R2 Season 2 DVD on Monday!

    French? I guess the Walkers of Sigma 957 wrote it. "Who knew they were French?" -- Marcus -Tim
  6. F

    R2 Season 2 DVD on Monday!

    French? I guess the Walkers of Sigma 957 wrote it. "Who knew they were French?" -- Marcus -Tim
  7. F

    R2 Season 2 DVD on Monday!

    9 pounds, eh? That's a good three or so pints at an English pub. I saved a good 5 American prices beers buying at Amazon.ca. Do they have an affiliate program? I did S1 through the site, but liked the $60 price tag for S2 a bit too much. Hey Antony, how about making a merchandise page with...
  8. F

    R2 Season 2 DVD on Monday!

    9 pounds, eh? That's a good three or so pints at an English pub. I saved a good 5 American prices beers buying at Amazon.ca. Do they have an affiliate program? I did S1 through the site, but liked the $60 price tag for S2 a bit too much. Hey Antony, how about making a merchandise page with...
  9. F

    Beauty in the Dark

    Hey, just because the Pak'ma'Ra are singing in Latin, we must assume that its their native tounge. ;-) Just like when you see two Narns speaking English, they're actually speaking Narn... why not extend that to other terran languages? ;-) -Tim
  10. F

    Beauty in the Dark

    Hey, just because the Pak'ma'Ra are singing in Latin, we must assume that its their native tounge. ;-) Just like when you see two Narns speaking English, they're actually speaking Narn... why not extend that to other terran languages? ;-) -Tim
  11. F

    Why do you come here ?

    I keep coming back because the series is so good, that everyone has different views, opinions, and takes different inspiration on the episodes and themes. I enjoy discussing what other people think about it as it enhances my own enjoyment and appreciation of the series. -Tim
  12. F

    An interesting question re: swearing

    The nudity and rough stuff serves a definite purpose: its a lawless world! It adds to the fabric of the Jeremiahverse. Lord of the Flies had some pretty brutal scenes in the book... which, in a similar way, paint the tapestry of "lawless" society. Just ask Simon! -Tim
  13. F

    Season 3 DVD on August 12th?

    :spock voice on: Your pricing is illogical. :spock voice off: sorry, couldn't resist. -Tim
  14. F

    Season 3 DVD on August 12th?

    Ask and ye shall receive... here's a screencap attached of Amazon's whacky price structure. -Tim
  15. F

    B5 Actors in Tron

    PJ is in at the beginning of the "computer part" of the film - the first computer "being" to bite the dust during game training, IIRC. -Tim
  16. F

    Season 3 DVD on August 12th?

    PS - if you go to amazon.com and search under DVD for "Babylon 5", S1 costs $74.99, S2 costs $74.99 and the combo pack of both S1 and S2 costs $179.73. WTF? Why would you pay $30.00 for buying both together when its cheaper to buy them single?! Someone at Amazon has to work on that pricing...
  17. F

    Season 3 DVD on August 12th?

    I'm sure its listed as an import and $20 more because its an American version, and would be shipped from their American warehouse. Wait for the version from the Canadian warehouse (non-import on amazon.ca) to show up. -Tim
  18. F

    Eilerson Look Annoyed, To You?

    The Onion (the satire "newspaper") did an article a year or two ago where the headline was something along the lines of, "Sporting events completely unviewable due to on screen graphics". It was only a matter of time before everything else caught up! -Tim
  19. F

    Eilerson Look Annoyed, To You?

    The other horrible thing was the frequency: during Crusade, sci-fi channel would show that thing four times per episode. After the teaser, ~25 minutes, ~40 minutes in, and before the final act ~55 minutes in. Ugh.
  20. F

    Peter Woodward

    I really wasn't impressed with Conquest, however, his series "Egypt: Beyond the Pyramids" was excellent. Conquest got old fast... too much like a Renaissance Faire on television! -Tim