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  1. Springer

    Something the Vorlons left behind...

    I was in Battersea in London last weekend when I came across this restaurant, I thought it would be safest if I didn't go inside! There is also an area of south London called Morden, probably best I don't go near there too!
  2. Springer

    Bill Mumy interview

    There's a new interview with Bill Mumy by the Star Trek: Enterprise guys: It's mostly about his career as a child actor, but he does talk about B5. Nothing really enlightening – mostly him moaning about the make-up and the story about Susan Kellerman losing it in the make-up chair while...
  3. Springer

    Babylon 5 on VHS: A History

    Since we were discussing Babylon 5 on VHS in the blu-ray thread, I thought I'd make a thread dedicated to the VHS collections. This might seem a bit boring but I seem to have suddenly developed an OCD about it! So here is the history of B5 on VHS – at least as it was in the UK. Looney has...
  4. Springer

    It was the year 2023, the name of the place was...

    So, with 2023 coming to a belated end, I wanted to look back at the most successful year for Babylon 5 since 2007. We got The Road Home, which seemed to split opinion on here but judging by the Amazon bestsellers list it seemed to do well. Whether it did well enough for WB to commission...
  5. Springer

    The Road Home soundtrack release

    The score to TRH has been released on digital only by Dynamic Music Partners, I downloaded it from the iTunes Store but I presume it's available through other avenues too, Google Play, Amazon etc. I didn't like it unfortunately, and though I'm a completist on this kind of thing, I regret...
  6. Springer

    Members of the Interstellar Alliance

    While re-watching The Road Home the other day, I noticed that the ISN newsreader said that there were 12 members of the ISA. I set about wondering if I could name them all: Earth Minbar Narn Drazi Brakiri Hyach Pak'ma'ra Gaim Vree Who are the other three members? By this point in the show the...
  7. Springer

    The Road Home review thread (contains spoilers)

    Amazon came through and sent me The Road Home three days early! And now I've had the pleasure of watching the first new Babylon 5 in 16 years, if my maths is correct. What did I think of it? Well, I'm still not entirely sure what I think of it! [Beware some spoilers in my comments below, but...
  8. Springer

    Official: Babylon 5 coming to Blu-ray in December

    News! JMS has announced that the complete Babylon 5 will be coming to Blu-ray on 5 December. He says it can be pre-ordered from today, though I haven't been able to find any links yet. I'm going to assume it's the HD versions that we've all been streaming for the past couple of years. We know...
  9. Springer

    Show off your B5 collectibles

    This is my B5 shelf in my cabinets, filled with the 6-inch action figures and 9-inch dolls, and some of the miniatures from the Babylon 5 Wars game. I do have the 9-inch Marcus figure elsewhere, plus the Micro Machines, trading cards, CDs, books, comics, magazines, autographs, posters, clothing...
  10. Springer

    B5 Animated Movie

    After months of speculation (and I think the members on B5TV kind of already knew) JMS has confirmed a Babylon 5 animated movie from Warner Bros! Title and release date to be announced by Warners next week. Already produced and in the can, it will be coming out soon...
  11. Springer

    New logo

    JMS has just unveiled a slightly new version of the B5 logo for the secret project (animation? documentary?) that he says he is going to reveal this time next week. https://twitter.com/straczynski/status/1651262362341498880 Whatever the project is, the fact that they've gone to the trouble of...
  12. Springer

    Babylon 5 article

    In real life I work as a journalist, and I recently wrote this piece about how scientists view B5 and how they've been inspired by the show. I'm not sure if many people have read it so I thought I'd post the link here. Please feel free to share on social media etc...
  13. Springer

    Reaction videos

    For the past few months I've been watching Medusa Cascade's B5 reaction videos. I don't usually watch reaction vids, but Medusa Cascade's are really good – you can see her become increasingly emotionally involved in the show as she gets deeper into it, and to see the joy of someone discovering...
  14. Springer

    Tom Booker (Jinxo) interview

    The Last, Best Babylon 5 podcast recently had an episode featuring Tom Booker, who played Jinxo in Grail. I don't think I've ever seen an interview with him about the show, so it was cool to hear from him and a fun listen. He has stories about David Warner, William Sanderson, Bill Mumy, Christy...
  15. Springer

    Season 1 retrospective

    So, I've been reading people's reactions on Twitter to watching B5 for the first time on HBOMax, or people re-watching it for the first time in ages, or recommending it to others who haven't seen it, and I'm seeing a lot of chatter along the lines of "the first season's really rough", "it's a...
  16. Springer

    Future of B5 merchandise

    The discussion about the computer game merchandise in the other thread reminded me of something I saw Ben Robinson – the mastermind behind the Star Trek and BSG models at Eaglemoss – say on Twitter earlier this year. Someone had asked him about Eaglemoss licensing B5, and he said they'd asked...
  17. Springer

    Terminator: Dark Fate

    Has anyone else seen this yet? I really enjoyed this film. It's not quite as good as the first two films, but they are all-time classics, and I thought Dark Fate was a worthy sequel to them. It's certainly much better than the trailers implied, and leagues better than T3 or Genisys. Linda...
  18. Springer

    B5 article in The Guardian

    So this little article is an oddity - one for our B5 defence squad, Looney! https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2019/sep/09/jump-the-shark-babylon-5 A more glib article I've not come across in some time. Apparently B5 'jumped the shark', and despite it being over 20 years ago they've...
  19. Springer

    The Agamemnon - in Lego!

    Dunno if anyone here builds Lego, but I stumbled across this - someone has designed a brilliant Omega-class destroyer in Lego and has made the instructions and a sticker set available as a digital download in exchange for a charitable donation...
  20. Springer

    Predictions and expectations

    So while talking to Looney in the Game of Thrones thread about predictions and expectations for the final episodes, it got me thinking about what people's various predictions for B5 were back in the day. I wasn't online during the first run of the show, so I never saw the discussions about what...